Daedalus and Icarus,
They made their wings of wax.
They flew into the sky
But could not pay the tax.
The Sun it begrudged them
The right to fly so high
So Icarus was made to fall
And so he did die.
Daedalus, however,
Was smarter than his son.
He landed safely on the ground
And would've fetched a gun.
Had they been invented then,
The match, it would be fairer
Instead he went to a funeral,
For his son a coffin-bearer.
All of Greece did mourn the loss
Except the King of Crete.
He saw himself victorious
And in Icarus defeat.
But time, it seems, has robbed the King
Of all his fame and glory,
For everyone knows Icarus
And all know his story.
A tale of imprisonment
In a labyrinth so dense,
Created by its prisoners
And stronger than any fence;
The only means of escape
Was to be just like a bird,
And history remembers them
For the lesson's often heard
Pride, it comes before a fall,
And Icarus fell so far,
Though his father warned him
He wouldn't have bar.
So listen to your father
And your mother, too,
For they have learnt life's lessons
And know them to be true.
Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry. (W.B. Yeats) Here lies that which is inside no more, that which burns my mind and must be expelled. Here lies the greatest of all inventions. Here lies words.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
There's silence in this room
Apart from the beeping and
Whooshing of the machines
Apart from the coughing and
Low murmrus of visitors
Apart from the trolley and
People going past outside
Apart from the leaves and
Branches rustling by the window
Apart from the cars and
Other traffic on the road below
Apart from the birds and
The dogs in the park opposite
Apart from the world's noise
There's silence in this room
Apart from the beeping and
Whooshing of the machines
Apart from the coughing and
Low murmrus of visitors
Apart from the trolley and
People going past outside
Apart from the leaves and
Branches rustling by the window
Apart from the cars and
Other traffic on the road below
Apart from the birds and
The dogs in the park opposite
Apart from the world's noise
There's silence in this room
And The Twins They Were No More
Another day, another month, another year goes by
No-one can believe it's true, no more towers in the sky
Daylight wanes across the city, rubble piles so high
Tears cut paths from sunken eyes until there's no tear left to cry
Happiness has faded, we're left with the saddest sigh
Each man, each woman and each child, together they will die
Two beacons of the world so free no longer catch the eye
Who would believe such tragedy, we ask the question, "why?"
In a city of so many two birds of death did fly
No they have both crashed and burned, their names to death we tie
So now the streets are mourning, for there the dead do lie
The calm it is unnerving, the calm it does belie
Hating what the world's become (evil, slick and sly)
Eyes will finish crying and rivers will run dry
Yesterday will haunt us for the end, it may be nigh
We pray for our salvation and how we do try
Everyone is suffering, every girl and every guy
Right down to the last person, everyone, even I
Economics rule the world, what to sell or what to buy
Nations seek to be the best; they poke, they prod, they pry
Oracles smile down on us, they smile a smile so wry
Maybe we've forgotten them as we hide away so shy
Only we're happy like pigs in mud and the world's turned to a sty
Revelling in the world we've made, baked it like a pie
Etch out your tombstone and for a place in heaven vie
No-one can believe it's true, no more towers in the sky
Daylight wanes across the city, rubble piles so high
Tears cut paths from sunken eyes until there's no tear left to cry
Happiness has faded, we're left with the saddest sigh
Each man, each woman and each child, together they will die
Two beacons of the world so free no longer catch the eye
Who would believe such tragedy, we ask the question, "why?"
In a city of so many two birds of death did fly
No they have both crashed and burned, their names to death we tie
So now the streets are mourning, for there the dead do lie
The calm it is unnerving, the calm it does belie
Hating what the world's become (evil, slick and sly)
Eyes will finish crying and rivers will run dry
Yesterday will haunt us for the end, it may be nigh
We pray for our salvation and how we do try
Everyone is suffering, every girl and every guy
Right down to the last person, everyone, even I
Economics rule the world, what to sell or what to buy
Nations seek to be the best; they poke, they prod, they pry
Oracles smile down on us, they smile a smile so wry
Maybe we've forgotten them as we hide away so shy
Only we're happy like pigs in mud and the world's turned to a sty
Revelling in the world we've made, baked it like a pie
Etch out your tombstone and for a place in heaven vie
Light a candle, let it burn
And in this sacred place sojourn
I have left this world at peace
So have your eyes their crying cease.
Think of me when I was small
Or, if you didn't know me then at all,
think of me at my best
Now that I am laid to rest.
Be quiet in your heart so dear,
I say this now to allay your fear,
For wherever it is that I am now
I promise to you a sacred vow:
That I will watch over you
In the good and the bad times, too;
I will listen to every prayer
And know that I will always care.
So while I cannot hold your hand
Or show you that I understand
I hope you'll remember all I've said
And, at night before you go to bed,
Smile up at that star so bright
And I will be your guiding light.
Though far away and sadly missed
(No longer hugged, no longer kissed)
I will be there every day
If you remember in some small way
The way I smiled with my eyes
Or my softly sounding summer sighs
And thought it was my time to go
Always know I loved you so.
And in this sacred place sojourn
I have left this world at peace
So have your eyes their crying cease.
Think of me when I was small
Or, if you didn't know me then at all,
think of me at my best
Now that I am laid to rest.
Be quiet in your heart so dear,
I say this now to allay your fear,
For wherever it is that I am now
I promise to you a sacred vow:
That I will watch over you
In the good and the bad times, too;
I will listen to every prayer
And know that I will always care.
So while I cannot hold your hand
Or show you that I understand
I hope you'll remember all I've said
And, at night before you go to bed,
Smile up at that star so bright
And I will be your guiding light.
Though far away and sadly missed
(No longer hugged, no longer kissed)
I will be there every day
If you remember in some small way
The way I smiled with my eyes
Or my softly sounding summer sighs
And thought it was my time to go
Always know I loved you so.
I thought I was special
But you proved me wrong.
You held me down,
Pushed me around,
Treated me as second best,
And I kept on coming,
Back for more and more,
Eager to see you shine
Hoping I might too.
I thought you were special
But you're like all the rest.
You want to ignore me
And you do,
Content knowing I'm there
Just in case,
But you don't call
Even though I think you might
One day, if ...
I thought you might need me
Or love me or want me.
I thought I might, who knows,
Be useful or some such.
I thought we were friends
You and I, together,
Against the world.
I thought I was special
But I'm not.
But you proved me wrong.
You held me down,
Pushed me around,
Treated me as second best,
And I kept on coming,
Back for more and more,
Eager to see you shine
Hoping I might too.
I thought you were special
But you're like all the rest.
You want to ignore me
And you do,
Content knowing I'm there
Just in case,
But you don't call
Even though I think you might
One day, if ...
I thought you might need me
Or love me or want me.
I thought I might, who knows,
Be useful or some such.
I thought we were friends
You and I, together,
Against the world.
I thought I was special
But I'm not.
If you love me
Tell me so
If you do not
Let me go
For you have stolen
All my heart
And I know not
Where to start
If you want me
Take me now
If you do not
Take a vow
That you will hold me
Not one day
And will release me
Without delay
If you need me
Say it true
If you do not
This day rue
For I have been
Deceived so long
And I declare that
To be wrong
Tell me so
If you do not
Let me go
For you have stolen
All my heart
And I know not
Where to start
If you want me
Take me now
If you do not
Take a vow
That you will hold me
Not one day
And will release me
Without delay
If you need me
Say it true
If you do not
This day rue
For I have been
Deceived so long
And I declare that
To be wrong
Meeting Lisa
When I heard, I lied
I said that it was wonderful
I said I wish you well
I said it didn't matter
But when I heard, I lied
When I heard, I cried
A thousand tears fell down
Inside my heart awash
Now I am arid, dry
But when I heard, I cried
When I heard, I tried
I tried to be happy
I tried to be complete
I tried but can't forget
But when I heard, I tried
When we met, I lied
I said "hello, nince to meet you"
I said "how are you" and then
I said nothing after
Because when we met, I lied
When we met, I cried
She was nothing special
No beauty to behold
I didn't see her anymore
Because when we met, I cried
When we met, I tried
I tried to be civil
I tried to be so kind
I tried to understand
Because when we met, I died
I said that it was wonderful
I said I wish you well
I said it didn't matter
But when I heard, I lied
When I heard, I cried
A thousand tears fell down
Inside my heart awash
Now I am arid, dry
But when I heard, I cried
When I heard, I tried
I tried to be happy
I tried to be complete
I tried but can't forget
But when I heard, I tried
When we met, I lied
I said "hello, nince to meet you"
I said "how are you" and then
I said nothing after
Because when we met, I lied
When we met, I cried
She was nothing special
No beauty to behold
I didn't see her anymore
Because when we met, I cried
When we met, I tried
I tried to be civil
I tried to be so kind
I tried to understand
Because when we met, I died
I told you when we met
I'd fallen head over heels
Couldn't control my emotions
It's not enough to be in love
It's not enough to adore
It's always never enough
I wasn't what you wanted
Or all that you'd forseen
I wasn't what you thought
It's not enough to be sorry
It's not enough to apologise
It's always never enough
I tried to change for you
Even though it wasn't me
Everything, I threw away
It's not enough to sacrifice
It's not enough to give up
It's always never enough
I deflected all the blows
That were badly aimed
Absorbed all the rest
It's not enough to be sore
It's not enough to feel pain
It's always never enough
I finally turned my back
No longer just the other cheek
You've seen the last of me
It's not enough to leave
It's not enough to die
Sometimes you're asking too much
I'd fallen head over heels
Couldn't control my emotions
It's not enough to be in love
It's not enough to adore
It's always never enough
I wasn't what you wanted
Or all that you'd forseen
I wasn't what you thought
It's not enough to be sorry
It's not enough to apologise
It's always never enough
I tried to change for you
Even though it wasn't me
Everything, I threw away
It's not enough to sacrifice
It's not enough to give up
It's always never enough
I deflected all the blows
That were badly aimed
Absorbed all the rest
It's not enough to be sore
It's not enough to feel pain
It's always never enough
I finally turned my back
No longer just the other cheek
You've seen the last of me
It's not enough to leave
It's not enough to die
Sometimes you're asking too much
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Words for an Uncertain Future
I'm empty and alone
Back how it used to be
How it was before you came
Before you captured me
You took away all my cares
All of them but one
I cared for you and only you
We had the best of fun
But I see you for who you are
Not who you wanted me to see
you used me like and old, worn rag
And tossed me aside with glee
I saw your tears, every one,
Crocodile tears at best
I thought you were something better
But you're not unlike the rest
I ebleiev you said you loved me
And I thought it true
You asked me to marry you
But it was a witches brew
You were the one wearing white
Over a heart of black
Pulled up on a golden steed
Plucked an apple from your sack
From that apple I took a bite
And fell into your world
Reality floated miles away
As I tumbled, twisted, twirled
But I must have knocked my head
For I saw the inner you
Reality came flooding back
And I didn't know what to do
You didn't seem so caring
So tender or even sweet
You filled me with an emotion deep
Which to hide was no mean feat
I couldn't stand to hear you talk
I couldn't stand a word
You became just like a vulture
Not a softly singing bird
Your talons, they attacked me
But nowhere could I hide
I needed to feel your kisses
Though you're thoughts I couldn't abide
Slowly I was pushed away
Because I saw the demon true
An empty shell of a man
For which my loathing grew
For though I longed to feel your touch
So tender at the start
I knew the time had come at last
For the two of us to part
Your anger and your fear
Your insecurity too
Brought the devil to your soul
And made a demon out of you
A reflection of your inner self
A mirror for your soul
That is what you craved inside
For me that was your goal
I see that you chocke, always,
Upon a bitter pill
And it will get the best of you
Even against your will
I will not feed your feelings
Or keep your demon satisfied
Not everyone is evil
Guess what, the devil lied!
Not everyone is like you
Nor would they want to be
I hoped I could release you
But only you can set you free
You can be so kind, I know,
but only when it suits
For the devil can simulate
From the mind it loots
It controls what you say and do
It tells you how to act
The fairytale becomes the truth
Fiction becomes fact
The fairytale is not so sweet
Nor is it so pure
This nightmare is as old as time
Though the method somewhat newer
But stories are for children
And you treated me as such
Now I am betrayed by words
And fearful of the touch
I hear the heart beat deep inside
Echoing in my chest
You keep a picture of it still
To pin upon your vest
A trophy from your conquest
That I can't deny
But though my heart is broken
I'll ask the question, why?
Why are we possessed
To break that which we touch?
Why do we shatter
That which we love so much?
The answer, it is simple
It's right before our eyes
We can forget the questions,
The who, wherfore and why's
It's not in the asking
Of questions without end
It's seeing all the answers
Which will help us all to mend
It's realising all the darkness
That is in us all today
It's evicting it from our heart
And sending it on its way
We must be above reproach
And not give in to sin
Be pure in our very soul
And let the goodness in
For when the darkness overcomes
We are lost, that is for sure
We stumble on our separate ways
Breaking that which we adore
We cannot see ahead
Blindfolded by the beast
Unaware of what is broken
not caring in the least
You'd do well to remember
How life was before
When your soul was pure
And loving not a chore
Stop counting up by sixes
Live one day at a time
Take stock of what you've done
Turning rhythm into rhyme
One day the drum will stop
Beating out your life
You will face the gates of hell
And then you'll be in strife
You'll meet the Inquisitor
And he'll sentence you to burn
Don't say I didn't warn you
You never were one to learn
Your mind always closed so tight
High fences, dogs do guard
Your eyes never showed your soul
For they were always barred
You took it all so personally
They insulted you the worst
I never quite knew who they were
But it was they whom you cursed
They always put you down
Treated you with contempt
Now you will teach them
Their attacks you must pre-empt
And I am now one of them
The one you held so dear
I am not what you thought
That's something that you fear
I was not the same as you
Wouldn't bow to your will
Wouldn't cower if I did you wrong
Wouldn't satisfy the thrill
That's what it was, you know
A thrill and nothing more
You wanted power over me
To mould me to my core
But I was made of tougher stuff
Stuff that would not bend
And if I thought ot might just help
My heart, to you, I'd lend
You thought I was too soft
Too willing to defend
But heart does not equate with soft
Just read the words I've penned
To have a heart is to have a soul
That loves all mankind
And all the world will love you back
It's a love that you can't find
To see a love so free
you must open up your eyes
Hear the sounds of the earth
The whispers and the cries
Hold the hand of your enemy
Sing their child to sleep
For an enemy, once forgotten,
Is a friend that you must keep
I've often thought about you
And the darkness that you carry
For when you let it love you
Then evil will you marry
No-one else will love you
You push them far away
Because they are different
That's the price you pay
I'd rather be alone
Then a slave to all your fear
Because, I know, I'd die inside
And that day would soon be near
It would be a quick and painful death
My sould gone for good
No light behind my eyes
A heart that's made of wood
I'd have been polite
And turned the perfect phrase
But i'd have been trapped
Like a mouse in a wooden maze
I'd rather be forgotten
Than remembered just for you
The reasons that I'd stay like that
Are something less than few
There's just one thing I regret
And that's to lose some friends
They were the best part of you
But any good thing ends
I feel I've been reborn
I can start life a-new
I can put you behind me
Like a winter morning's dew
The stars are now in my reach
The moon a step away
Maybe I won't get there now
But I know I will one day
Back how it used to be
How it was before you came
Before you captured me
You took away all my cares
All of them but one
I cared for you and only you
We had the best of fun
But I see you for who you are
Not who you wanted me to see
you used me like and old, worn rag
And tossed me aside with glee
I saw your tears, every one,
Crocodile tears at best
I thought you were something better
But you're not unlike the rest
I ebleiev you said you loved me
And I thought it true
You asked me to marry you
But it was a witches brew
You were the one wearing white
Over a heart of black
Pulled up on a golden steed
Plucked an apple from your sack
From that apple I took a bite
And fell into your world
Reality floated miles away
As I tumbled, twisted, twirled
But I must have knocked my head
For I saw the inner you
Reality came flooding back
And I didn't know what to do
You didn't seem so caring
So tender or even sweet
You filled me with an emotion deep
Which to hide was no mean feat
I couldn't stand to hear you talk
I couldn't stand a word
You became just like a vulture
Not a softly singing bird
Your talons, they attacked me
But nowhere could I hide
I needed to feel your kisses
Though you're thoughts I couldn't abide
Slowly I was pushed away
Because I saw the demon true
An empty shell of a man
For which my loathing grew
For though I longed to feel your touch
So tender at the start
I knew the time had come at last
For the two of us to part
Your anger and your fear
Your insecurity too
Brought the devil to your soul
And made a demon out of you
A reflection of your inner self
A mirror for your soul
That is what you craved inside
For me that was your goal
I see that you chocke, always,
Upon a bitter pill
And it will get the best of you
Even against your will
I will not feed your feelings
Or keep your demon satisfied
Not everyone is evil
Guess what, the devil lied!
Not everyone is like you
Nor would they want to be
I hoped I could release you
But only you can set you free
You can be so kind, I know,
but only when it suits
For the devil can simulate
From the mind it loots
It controls what you say and do
It tells you how to act
The fairytale becomes the truth
Fiction becomes fact
The fairytale is not so sweet
Nor is it so pure
This nightmare is as old as time
Though the method somewhat newer
But stories are for children
And you treated me as such
Now I am betrayed by words
And fearful of the touch
I hear the heart beat deep inside
Echoing in my chest
You keep a picture of it still
To pin upon your vest
A trophy from your conquest
That I can't deny
But though my heart is broken
I'll ask the question, why?
Why are we possessed
To break that which we touch?
Why do we shatter
That which we love so much?
The answer, it is simple
It's right before our eyes
We can forget the questions,
The who, wherfore and why's
It's not in the asking
Of questions without end
It's seeing all the answers
Which will help us all to mend
It's realising all the darkness
That is in us all today
It's evicting it from our heart
And sending it on its way
We must be above reproach
And not give in to sin
Be pure in our very soul
And let the goodness in
For when the darkness overcomes
We are lost, that is for sure
We stumble on our separate ways
Breaking that which we adore
We cannot see ahead
Blindfolded by the beast
Unaware of what is broken
not caring in the least
You'd do well to remember
How life was before
When your soul was pure
And loving not a chore
Stop counting up by sixes
Live one day at a time
Take stock of what you've done
Turning rhythm into rhyme
One day the drum will stop
Beating out your life
You will face the gates of hell
And then you'll be in strife
You'll meet the Inquisitor
And he'll sentence you to burn
Don't say I didn't warn you
You never were one to learn
Your mind always closed so tight
High fences, dogs do guard
Your eyes never showed your soul
For they were always barred
You took it all so personally
They insulted you the worst
I never quite knew who they were
But it was they whom you cursed
They always put you down
Treated you with contempt
Now you will teach them
Their attacks you must pre-empt
And I am now one of them
The one you held so dear
I am not what you thought
That's something that you fear
I was not the same as you
Wouldn't bow to your will
Wouldn't cower if I did you wrong
Wouldn't satisfy the thrill
That's what it was, you know
A thrill and nothing more
You wanted power over me
To mould me to my core
But I was made of tougher stuff
Stuff that would not bend
And if I thought ot might just help
My heart, to you, I'd lend
You thought I was too soft
Too willing to defend
But heart does not equate with soft
Just read the words I've penned
To have a heart is to have a soul
That loves all mankind
And all the world will love you back
It's a love that you can't find
To see a love so free
you must open up your eyes
Hear the sounds of the earth
The whispers and the cries
Hold the hand of your enemy
Sing their child to sleep
For an enemy, once forgotten,
Is a friend that you must keep
I've often thought about you
And the darkness that you carry
For when you let it love you
Then evil will you marry
No-one else will love you
You push them far away
Because they are different
That's the price you pay
I'd rather be alone
Then a slave to all your fear
Because, I know, I'd die inside
And that day would soon be near
It would be a quick and painful death
My sould gone for good
No light behind my eyes
A heart that's made of wood
I'd have been polite
And turned the perfect phrase
But i'd have been trapped
Like a mouse in a wooden maze
I'd rather be forgotten
Than remembered just for you
The reasons that I'd stay like that
Are something less than few
There's just one thing I regret
And that's to lose some friends
They were the best part of you
But any good thing ends
I feel I've been reborn
I can start life a-new
I can put you behind me
Like a winter morning's dew
The stars are now in my reach
The moon a step away
Maybe I won't get there now
But I know I will one day
Me and You
It hurts me when you're like this
Maybe it's 'cause I don't understand
You run hot and cold all the time
It confuses me, it's out of hand
All I want is to hold you
It's all I've wanted since we met
You drain the life out of me
And I can't seem to make up the debt
You know I've fallen too many times
I don't want to rise anymore
But somehow you keep lifting me
So my feet don't even touch the floor
The light in your eyes seems to flicker
It's there, but then it's gone
When it's there my heart is in heaven
When it's not I'm a fool for the con
You make me believe without reason
In something I can't possibly know
Then shatter the dream in an instant
And leave me with nowhere to go
You play the game like you've played it before
Like you've practiced every little skill
You reel me in and then throw me back
Always against my will
I see you out with your friends
A girl on each of your arms
They smile and blush so shyly
But they know how it harms
They see the pain they're causing
They see it in my eyes
They know you're torn between us
They would laugh out loud at my cries
I thought that I was special,
That I was dear to you,
But it was all just lies, of course;
I was just something new.
There were promises that you made
But you reneged on them all
(Told me I was yours and
You'd catch me should I fall)
And even though my heart still bleeds
And my eyes still shed bitter tears
Every dog has their day
And that day for this bitch nears.
Maybe it's 'cause I don't understand
You run hot and cold all the time
It confuses me, it's out of hand
All I want is to hold you
It's all I've wanted since we met
You drain the life out of me
And I can't seem to make up the debt
You know I've fallen too many times
I don't want to rise anymore
But somehow you keep lifting me
So my feet don't even touch the floor
The light in your eyes seems to flicker
It's there, but then it's gone
When it's there my heart is in heaven
When it's not I'm a fool for the con
You make me believe without reason
In something I can't possibly know
Then shatter the dream in an instant
And leave me with nowhere to go
You play the game like you've played it before
Like you've practiced every little skill
You reel me in and then throw me back
Always against my will
I see you out with your friends
A girl on each of your arms
They smile and blush so shyly
But they know how it harms
They see the pain they're causing
They see it in my eyes
They know you're torn between us
They would laugh out loud at my cries
I thought that I was special,
That I was dear to you,
But it was all just lies, of course;
I was just something new.
There were promises that you made
But you reneged on them all
(Told me I was yours and
You'd catch me should I fall)
And even though my heart still bleeds
And my eyes still shed bitter tears
Every dog has their day
And that day for this bitch nears.
Dreaming of
Everything perfect
And then
Receiving nothing.
Don't you
Always hide
Vicious thoughts
Even though
Inside you
Must know
Suffering achieves
Only pain.
Reach out;
Regain control.
You'll feel
It get
Much better
Now That's
Over, and
There's never
Eloquence in
Violence and
Even though
Restrained, still,
You feel
Temper rising,
How high?
Intense anger;
Not knowing;
Going away;
You've left
Our lives;
Usurped confidence
With fear.
Another time,
Not place,
Threatens me
Everywhere I
Delve and
Love is
Obsolete with
Vsion impaired,
Everything black,
Somehow light
Has gone
Away so
Now I'm
No-one; I'm
Ok; just
No-one special.
Everything perfect
And then
Receiving nothing.
Don't you
Always hide
Vicious thoughts
Even though
Inside you
Must know
Suffering achieves
Only pain.
Reach out;
Regain control.
You'll feel
It get
Much better
Now That's
Over, and
There's never
Eloquence in
Violence and
Even though
Restrained, still,
You feel
Temper rising,
How high?
Intense anger;
Not knowing;
Going away;
You've left
Our lives;
Usurped confidence
With fear.
Another time,
Not place,
Threatens me
Everywhere I
Delve and
Love is
Obsolete with
Vsion impaired,
Everything black,
Somehow light
Has gone
Away so
Now I'm
No-one; I'm
Ok; just
No-one special.
When love finds you
Grip it with both hands
Hold it tightly
And never let it go
For although, you know,
The lover may depart
Take tenderly and sweetly
The soft desire left
And cradle it for ever more
So it wipes away the pain
Grip it with both hands
Hold it tightly
And never let it go
For although, you know,
The lover may depart
Take tenderly and sweetly
The soft desire left
And cradle it for ever more
So it wipes away the pain
When You See
If you could see her when she smiles
Her eyes shining bringht from sunken sockets,
Her infectious laught radiating out
from a mouth that issues words beyond its age,
The dimple that could never marr
An angelic face that's fallen from heaven.
When you see this side this side of her
Maybe then we can talk about times gone by
Or about a future for us all to enjoy.
If you could see how happy I can be
When the world is at peace and free,
There aren't any clouds in the sky
And rain serves only to feed the flowers,
I can do whatever I feel like,
Sing out loud, swim a mile or fly like a bird.
When you see this side this side of me
Maybe then we can talk about times gone by
Or about a future for us all to enjoy.
If you could see the opportunities in life
Set out in front of you to pick and choose,
You look so miserable and I don't know why
You bring the world down around your ears
When it should be a solid structure forever,
You can't live without risk or joy.
When you see this side this side of life
Maybe then we can talk about times gone by
Or about a future for us all to enjoy.
If you could see the warmth and tenderness
That lives deep in your cold and leaden heart,
The you that brought me flowers through the rain,
The you that cried for a child never seen or heard;
It's only fame to be taken by the madness of the world;
The you that gave me reason to live when all was lost.
When you see this side this side of you
Maybe then we can talk about times gone by
Or about a future for us all to enjoy.
Her eyes shining bringht from sunken sockets,
Her infectious laught radiating out
from a mouth that issues words beyond its age,
The dimple that could never marr
An angelic face that's fallen from heaven.
When you see this side this side of her
Maybe then we can talk about times gone by
Or about a future for us all to enjoy.
If you could see how happy I can be
When the world is at peace and free,
There aren't any clouds in the sky
And rain serves only to feed the flowers,
I can do whatever I feel like,
Sing out loud, swim a mile or fly like a bird.
When you see this side this side of me
Maybe then we can talk about times gone by
Or about a future for us all to enjoy.
If you could see the opportunities in life
Set out in front of you to pick and choose,
You look so miserable and I don't know why
You bring the world down around your ears
When it should be a solid structure forever,
You can't live without risk or joy.
When you see this side this side of life
Maybe then we can talk about times gone by
Or about a future for us all to enjoy.
If you could see the warmth and tenderness
That lives deep in your cold and leaden heart,
The you that brought me flowers through the rain,
The you that cried for a child never seen or heard;
It's only fame to be taken by the madness of the world;
The you that gave me reason to live when all was lost.
When you see this side this side of you
Maybe then we can talk about times gone by
Or about a future for us all to enjoy.
The Plight of Christina's Woman
Can you see the stairs before me,
Leading up to solemn stars
Clothed in midnight, coal, oily black
And staring back with that conviction
That's eating into my heart and soul
As only those pious and lofty ones can
Am I treading these boards alone,
My love, my darling, lovely, cherished love,
Whose arms enclose me as I sleep
And when I wake, take me in such tender embrace
That angels blush when they catch sight
And turn their heads for holy shame?
Where go these stairs that beckon me,
When leaving is so great a torment
That it tears this precious, tender, aching heart,
The two pieces so far removed
To be, almost two different hearts
Living in one all too mortal house?
What sin has befallen me
That is so great as to divorce us,
Though we ere not be married,
And cast me to another, higher,
Whose love is greater, encompassing, pure,
That is barrs this love as soiled?
Who made this undying law
That serves to protect and keep me
From your gaze that lasts until the end;
When we will be as one, in earth;
And sweeps aside consciousness
That the law refutes, abhors, denies?
Is not the wish the wishers to make
When the wisher is but her father's daughter,
And only blood bar one,
Who's only sin was that of thought
And flesh to be as one
So that she is buried, dead, forgotten?
Leading up to solemn stars
Clothed in midnight, coal, oily black
And staring back with that conviction
That's eating into my heart and soul
As only those pious and lofty ones can
Am I treading these boards alone,
My love, my darling, lovely, cherished love,
Whose arms enclose me as I sleep
And when I wake, take me in such tender embrace
That angels blush when they catch sight
And turn their heads for holy shame?
Where go these stairs that beckon me,
When leaving is so great a torment
That it tears this precious, tender, aching heart,
The two pieces so far removed
To be, almost two different hearts
Living in one all too mortal house?
What sin has befallen me
That is so great as to divorce us,
Though we ere not be married,
And cast me to another, higher,
Whose love is greater, encompassing, pure,
That is barrs this love as soiled?
Who made this undying law
That serves to protect and keep me
From your gaze that lasts until the end;
When we will be as one, in earth;
And sweeps aside consciousness
That the law refutes, abhors, denies?
Is not the wish the wishers to make
When the wisher is but her father's daughter,
And only blood bar one,
Who's only sin was that of thought
And flesh to be as one
So that she is buried, dead, forgotten?
The Northern Star
Oh, weary traveller
Suspended stagnant by the sky,
You, glorious, will never die;
Flicker, twinkle
Oh, steady guide
The waves rock in thy stead,
Tremendous currents above my head;
Drippling, slipping
Oh, solemn friend
You bring such comfort and such joy;
Behind clouds you hide so coy;
Giggle, sigh
Suspended stagnant by the sky,
You, glorious, will never die;
Flicker, twinkle
Oh, steady guide
The waves rock in thy stead,
Tremendous currents above my head;
Drippling, slipping
Oh, solemn friend
You bring such comfort and such joy;
Behind clouds you hide so coy;
Giggle, sigh
The Girl of the Bay
Why do you ignore me
When I'm begging to be seen?
Why do you hold me
When you know I'm not so keen?
Why don't you listen
When I have to speak?
Why do you tell me things
When I've heard them all the week?
Why do you mock me
When I'm in such pain?
Why am I still your friend
When you're driving me insane?
When I'm begging to be seen?
Why do you hold me
When you know I'm not so keen?
Why don't you listen
When I have to speak?
Why do you tell me things
When I've heard them all the week?
Why do you mock me
When I'm in such pain?
Why am I still your friend
When you're driving me insane?
Captured Sanity
Ink black sky covers me -
Like soft velvet, dotted with diamond;
Like the rippling Lethe, dotted with eyes -
And I can't escape.
Hard stone walls surround me -
Like a coffin not yet buried;
Like a gaol without a door -
And I'm going insane.
Brown roots twist around me -
Like chains on a slave;
Like ropes on a mooring -
And I can't break free.
Soft petals are just out of reach -
Like butterfly wings that slip through your fingers;
Like memories of friends long since forgotten -
And I'm losing my mind.
Like soft velvet, dotted with diamond;
Like the rippling Lethe, dotted with eyes -
And I can't escape.
Hard stone walls surround me -
Like a coffin not yet buried;
Like a gaol without a door -
And I'm going insane.
Brown roots twist around me -
Like chains on a slave;
Like ropes on a mooring -
And I can't break free.
Soft petals are just out of reach -
Like butterfly wings that slip through your fingers;
Like memories of friends long since forgotten -
And I'm losing my mind.
The Poets Revenge
The poets revenge is not to write
Not to pen a word
To starve the world of literacy
To just give up the fight
Not to pen a word
To starve the world of literacy
To just give up the fight
Into the Night
Into the night I ventured so brave
To see what the world had in store for me
What I found was not gold, silver or bronze
Anyone can find it if they search hard enough
So into my soul I dove so deep
Away from the surface so happy and brave
Down in the depths I was alone and scared
A child not loved and close to the edge
Random thoughts so dark, so dark and vicious
Killing the child, so cold and repressed
Asking for nothing but warmth and understanding
Nearing the edge that should be so far
Don't you see? Can't you see? Who am I?
Something was stolen and never returned
Tomorrow I will wake but nothing will have changed
Oh, to feel love, to talk, to have someone to hold
Reaching for a hand that isn't there
Might you listen to me and not be my judge
Your open heart is all that I need
Nothing is wrong, oh, why can't you see?
I'm not so happy, nor so brave
Guarantee, my heart's empty for want of some love
Have some compassion, have som care
Take me from the depths to the surface warm
To see what the world had in store for me
What I found was not gold, silver or bronze
Anyone can find it if they search hard enough
So into my soul I dove so deep
Away from the surface so happy and brave
Down in the depths I was alone and scared
A child not loved and close to the edge
Random thoughts so dark, so dark and vicious
Killing the child, so cold and repressed
Asking for nothing but warmth and understanding
Nearing the edge that should be so far
Don't you see? Can't you see? Who am I?
Something was stolen and never returned
Tomorrow I will wake but nothing will have changed
Oh, to feel love, to talk, to have someone to hold
Reaching for a hand that isn't there
Might you listen to me and not be my judge
Your open heart is all that I need
Nothing is wrong, oh, why can't you see?
I'm not so happy, nor so brave
Guarantee, my heart's empty for want of some love
Have some compassion, have som care
Take me from the depths to the surface warm
Monday, February 21, 2011
Under the Waves
Look at me and tell me what you see
Look at me and tell me what you feel
When I see you I feel something deep inside
Something I thought was dead and buried
But which has survived the test of time
And serves to remind me that I'm alone
I look around and I'm on the outside
Everyone I see is smiling and laughing
And so am I, but on the inside ...
I promise youw on't see a tear fall
But believe me that they are there
Waiting for you to turn your back
I promise you won't hear me complain
But believe me that I will
As soon as you've walked away
I think you know what I'm feeling
Because I think you feel it too
I look into your eyes and I'm lost
In such warmth I don't want to be found
It's hard to see through your eyes
When I don't know if I believe what my eyes see
Can it be that I imagined your love?
You looked and I thought I saw a twinkle
But there was no twinkle, was there?
Maybe the light caught your eye ...
Look at me and tell me what you feel
When I see you I feel something deep inside
Something I thought was dead and buried
But which has survived the test of time
And serves to remind me that I'm alone
I look around and I'm on the outside
Everyone I see is smiling and laughing
And so am I, but on the inside ...
I promise youw on't see a tear fall
But believe me that they are there
Waiting for you to turn your back
I promise you won't hear me complain
But believe me that I will
As soon as you've walked away
I think you know what I'm feeling
Because I think you feel it too
I look into your eyes and I'm lost
In such warmth I don't want to be found
It's hard to see through your eyes
When I don't know if I believe what my eyes see
Can it be that I imagined your love?
You looked and I thought I saw a twinkle
But there was no twinkle, was there?
Maybe the light caught your eye ...
The Murder of Innocence
To take a life in the name of justice,
To take an eye for an eye;
Who are we to be playing God?
Who are we to comdemn a man to die?
If you lost a child by the hands of man,
If you were so blinded by rage,
Would you sit a man down one last time?
Would you flick the switch as easy as turn a page?
If a man was shot through one day,
If the culprit was caught and tried,
Would you stand that man against a wall?
Would you shoot him 'til he died?
What about if you were wrong?
They could hang him from a noose.
He might not have a second chance.
What if that rope did not come loose?
Perhaps he might, after twelve long years,
Be found innocent and let go free;
On death row he sat, alone, afraid
But glad to be alive, you see?
To take a life in the name of justice -
Does that not make us just as bad?
Would you care to lose a child?
Don't you think that would be sad?
To take an eye for an eye -
Is this justice or something worse?
Isn't one life enough to be lost?
Think next time you see a hearse.
Who are we to be playing God?
We obey the commandments, even five.
Isn't it better to be dead for them
Than alone and dirty but still alive?
Who are we to comdemn a man to die?
So may revenge be just so sweet
As to tempt but not seduce
Or may we, too, end in hell's heat.
To take an eye for an eye;
Who are we to be playing God?
Who are we to comdemn a man to die?
If you lost a child by the hands of man,
If you were so blinded by rage,
Would you sit a man down one last time?
Would you flick the switch as easy as turn a page?
If a man was shot through one day,
If the culprit was caught and tried,
Would you stand that man against a wall?
Would you shoot him 'til he died?
What about if you were wrong?
They could hang him from a noose.
He might not have a second chance.
What if that rope did not come loose?
Perhaps he might, after twelve long years,
Be found innocent and let go free;
On death row he sat, alone, afraid
But glad to be alive, you see?
To take a life in the name of justice -
Does that not make us just as bad?
Would you care to lose a child?
Don't you think that would be sad?
To take an eye for an eye -
Is this justice or something worse?
Isn't one life enough to be lost?
Think next time you see a hearse.
Who are we to be playing God?
We obey the commandments, even five.
Isn't it better to be dead for them
Than alone and dirty but still alive?
Who are we to comdemn a man to die?
So may revenge be just so sweet
As to tempt but not seduce
Or may we, too, end in hell's heat.
Sad State of Affairs
You don't know my pain
You don't know my angst
You never tried to understand
You never tried to help
It's a sad state of affairs
I'm digging away trying to find a heart
It's beating away down there beyond grasp
But it's not my heart I'm digging for
That's lying shattered at my feet
There's only one way to mend a broken heart
Even when it's been broken so many times
And it's not with a needle and thread
Something so fragile but so strong
You can't find your way
You can't find your heart
You won't ever be free
You won't ever be happy
It's a sad state of affairs
Even while I'm digging you're laughing
In your shadow I see a change
So almost imperceptible but so evil
It's a curse that's been placed on you
And you don't have the heart to shake it
Surely I'm not the only one who sees
Not everyone can be so blind
Don't give me that look because it's true
You couldn't raise a hand
You couldn't raise a hope
You wouldn't believe in me
You wouldn't believe friendship
It's a sad state of affairs
This shovel's worn out and still no find
It's getting warm down here, too warm
I can almost feel where I'm headed
The paths beaten with your footsteps
But I won't let that happen to me
Maybe I can't stop myself anymore
You're dragging me down with you
We all know you don't want to go alone
You will always be different
You will always be risky
You can be so selfish
You can be so mean
It's a sad state of affairs
While your heart is freezing like ice
Your sould is burning in the fires of hell
Every time you touch me you scar me
I've got too many scars from you now
That should tell you something
But the flames obstruct your view
And you can't see what you're doing
In the end you're going to be my murderer
You might try to be nice
You might try to be angelic
You could fix my heart
You could fix my soul
It's a sad state of affairs
You don't know my angst
You never tried to understand
You never tried to help
It's a sad state of affairs
I'm digging away trying to find a heart
It's beating away down there beyond grasp
But it's not my heart I'm digging for
That's lying shattered at my feet
There's only one way to mend a broken heart
Even when it's been broken so many times
And it's not with a needle and thread
Something so fragile but so strong
You can't find your way
You can't find your heart
You won't ever be free
You won't ever be happy
It's a sad state of affairs
Even while I'm digging you're laughing
In your shadow I see a change
So almost imperceptible but so evil
It's a curse that's been placed on you
And you don't have the heart to shake it
Surely I'm not the only one who sees
Not everyone can be so blind
Don't give me that look because it's true
You couldn't raise a hand
You couldn't raise a hope
You wouldn't believe in me
You wouldn't believe friendship
It's a sad state of affairs
This shovel's worn out and still no find
It's getting warm down here, too warm
I can almost feel where I'm headed
The paths beaten with your footsteps
But I won't let that happen to me
Maybe I can't stop myself anymore
You're dragging me down with you
We all know you don't want to go alone
You will always be different
You will always be risky
You can be so selfish
You can be so mean
It's a sad state of affairs
While your heart is freezing like ice
Your sould is burning in the fires of hell
Every time you touch me you scar me
I've got too many scars from you now
That should tell you something
But the flames obstruct your view
And you can't see what you're doing
In the end you're going to be my murderer
You might try to be nice
You might try to be angelic
You could fix my heart
You could fix my soul
It's a sad state of affairs
Forever and a Day
Forever is a long time
In one forever I could count
An infinite number of stars
And still have time to spare
Forever is a long time
In one forever the sun and moon
Could rise and fall a million times
And still have time to spare
Forever is a long time
In one forever the earth
Could erode away to a speck
And still have time to spare
Forever is a long time
In one forever I could find
Someone to love until I die
And still have time to spare
Forever is a long time
But when I find that someone
I will love them forever and a day
And won't spare any time at all
In one forever I could count
An infinite number of stars
And still have time to spare
Forever is a long time
In one forever the sun and moon
Could rise and fall a million times
And still have time to spare
Forever is a long time
In one forever the earth
Could erode away to a speck
And still have time to spare
Forever is a long time
In one forever I could find
Someone to love until I die
And still have time to spare
Forever is a long time
But when I find that someone
I will love them forever and a day
And won't spare any time at all
Rising Up
Pretty pictures on the wall
Stare down at me in mute anticipation
They've been waiting for so long
It won't hurt to wait some more
There's no life in this room
The curtain's faded and carpet's worn
The wardrobe needs a paint
And there's no air to breathe
Someone shut the door long ago
Maybe it was me
And society is stuck outside
Ouside the sun shines bright
And the wind blows fresh
But in this room the air is stale
And the artificial light hums
Reminding me of what could have been
People smile and nod but always
They walk on by with their lives
Someone sent a message to live
But it never came
Don't you think it's a pity
The message sailing on the sea
Of someone elses thoughts
And no-one bothered to tell me
It's a sad state of affairs
This world is too big for me
It swallows me in one gulp
Trying to kill a creation it made
But I survive alright in the end
A little worse for wear
The big people run the world
They push all the buttons and
Give the commands, all ten
And we mere ants look up
Seeing a world flying past
Without a backwards glance
Without a second thought
To whom or what was left behind
They don't care
It will take more that this
To starve an imagination
That feeds itself on pain
While the body withers and dies
The mind lives on forever and a day
In the heart and soul of another
Ant is has touched along the way
The imagination blends with another
And the grow but eventually the
Credit is not mine
The big people have sucked their
World dry and now they have nothing
Except the same unbreathable air
Which we suck in and out every day
And the big people start to shrink
Until they are just another ant
In a dirty, mind-numbing rat race
They wait 'til they can rise again
But the day doesn't come for them
Maybe it's my turn
Stare down at me in mute anticipation
They've been waiting for so long
It won't hurt to wait some more
There's no life in this room
The curtain's faded and carpet's worn
The wardrobe needs a paint
And there's no air to breathe
Someone shut the door long ago
Maybe it was me
And society is stuck outside
Ouside the sun shines bright
And the wind blows fresh
But in this room the air is stale
And the artificial light hums
Reminding me of what could have been
People smile and nod but always
They walk on by with their lives
Someone sent a message to live
But it never came
Don't you think it's a pity
The message sailing on the sea
Of someone elses thoughts
And no-one bothered to tell me
It's a sad state of affairs
This world is too big for me
It swallows me in one gulp
Trying to kill a creation it made
But I survive alright in the end
A little worse for wear
The big people run the world
They push all the buttons and
Give the commands, all ten
And we mere ants look up
Seeing a world flying past
Without a backwards glance
Without a second thought
To whom or what was left behind
They don't care
It will take more that this
To starve an imagination
That feeds itself on pain
While the body withers and dies
The mind lives on forever and a day
In the heart and soul of another
Ant is has touched along the way
The imagination blends with another
And the grow but eventually the
Credit is not mine
The big people have sucked their
World dry and now they have nothing
Except the same unbreathable air
Which we suck in and out every day
And the big people start to shrink
Until they are just another ant
In a dirty, mind-numbing rat race
They wait 'til they can rise again
But the day doesn't come for them
Maybe it's my turn
Before I Die
Kiss me, sweet, before I die
I am alone and alone and sad
Remember the day that we first met
Ordinary, ordinary, so extraordinary
Kiss me, love, before I die
Time is passsing, passing, gone
I saw your eyes that first day
Daring blue, sky, sky blue
Kiss me, dear, before I die
My heart beats, beats, beats for you
Your smile brings light to my life
And I live for you, you, you
I am alone and alone and sad
Remember the day that we first met
Ordinary, ordinary, so extraordinary
Kiss me, love, before I die
Time is passsing, passing, gone
I saw your eyes that first day
Daring blue, sky, sky blue
Kiss me, dear, before I die
My heart beats, beats, beats for you
Your smile brings light to my life
And I live for you, you, you
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Earth Angels
What if angels walked upon the earth?
Would they look and act like me?
I think they'd be just like you -
Perfect is what they would be
They'd bring a smile to my lips
When I was sad and all alone
They'd make me laugh right out loud
And make sure I was never on my own
They'd make the stars twinkle bright
And bless the world with their love
They'd soothe a storm with a touch
As soft and gentle as a dove
They'd take my hand and lead me through
All the good times and the bad
They'd comfort me and hold me tight
And never let themselves get mad
They'd forgive my sins, evey one
And lift me up, up so high
Up above the wind and rain
To the glorious, golden sky
They would never let me fall
Or suffer any grief or pain
They'd shower me with joyous times
And all their love I would gain
They'd pray for me every day
And guide me through the jungle here
They'd light a torch for me to see
Make sure there was no need for fear
But of all the angels on the earth
There is one I treasure most
If that angel I ever lost
I would search from coast to coast
I tell you this here and now
So you'd know this is no lie
I love you with all my heart
Be my angel, help me fly
Would they look and act like me?
I think they'd be just like you -
Perfect is what they would be
They'd bring a smile to my lips
When I was sad and all alone
They'd make me laugh right out loud
And make sure I was never on my own
They'd make the stars twinkle bright
And bless the world with their love
They'd soothe a storm with a touch
As soft and gentle as a dove
They'd take my hand and lead me through
All the good times and the bad
They'd comfort me and hold me tight
And never let themselves get mad
They'd forgive my sins, evey one
And lift me up, up so high
Up above the wind and rain
To the glorious, golden sky
They would never let me fall
Or suffer any grief or pain
They'd shower me with joyous times
And all their love I would gain
They'd pray for me every day
And guide me through the jungle here
They'd light a torch for me to see
Make sure there was no need for fear
But of all the angels on the earth
There is one I treasure most
If that angel I ever lost
I would search from coast to coast
I tell you this here and now
So you'd know this is no lie
I love you with all my heart
Be my angel, help me fly
Monday, February 7, 2011
Diaries of a Mass Murderer
Prelude to a Massacre
The wind is subtle on my cheek
I stand at the cross roads, mild and meek
No-one sees me but people are everywhere
No-one has stopped to look or stare
They all pass by without a word
A roar, a laugh, a whistle, a horn
Maybe it's better never to be born
There's green and I start to walk
Nothing yet about which to talk
I pass them by without a word
A mouth gapes and I step up to it
Through, it closes, bit by bit
I travel along but my feet do not move
Everyone looks like they have something to prove
They all pass by without a word
The crowd encroaches on my personal space
I push and squeeze through the rat race
People lust and crave material things
The richest, adored, abhorred, such as kings
I pass them by without a word
The walls are lost in a sea of bodies
No-one cares in the least where God is
All caught up in business and trade
Lost is the purity of which we were made
They all pass by without a word
Tens, hundreds, thousands of faces
No-one caring for people or places
Time is vital, not a second to be lost
Look out for yourself whatever the cost
I pass them by without a word
So many people yet I am alone
I have a mission, like a dog with a bone
To show them the error of their ways
Some might see better days
They all pass by without a word
Soon they will be mine and only mine
I will pass them over the line
They will be judged by a higher power
There they will hide away and cower
I pass them by without a word
I watch over them, silently observing
Their own desire they are serving
Time is slowing, everything is slow
I feel my cheeks burn and glow
They all pass by without a word
A child will whimper and hold their mother
Well it will do them to hold each other
They have no idea what life is about
I will show them without a doubt
They all pass by without a word
The time has come , I feel, taste it
God will save them, those that are fit
no-one can stop me, not now or ever
No-one will try, no matter how clever
I pass them by without a word
They don't know suffering, they don't know pain
They haven't lived with someone insane
no-one told them of the hiding and beating
It is evil and needs defeating
They all pass by without a word
The have lived a blessed life
Not used as a punching bag but as a wife
Their children are happy, sleeping sound
Next door a child is whipped like a defenceless hound
I pass them by without a word
How much can a person take?
Now I must show them for their own sake
It's their society, it's them that are wrong
They never care for very long
They all pass by without a word
Shots ring out and the crowd is silent
Who would have thought it could be so violent?
Far away, in the distance, a door
Bodies carpet the polished floor
I pass them by without a word
Aftermath of a Massacre
Bodies carpet the polished floor
Everything was silent, nothing moved
Artificial light flooded the area
Hysterical screams, shrill and loud
This was the beginning of the end
The madman gone, is he gone? Where is he?
A flak jacket spins, pressed to the wall
Guns at the ready, making their move
On who or what? where and why?
This was the beginning of the end
A whimper, a cry, a scream, a shout
No-one is certain, no-one is sure
Police flood the area, always aware
Forward, forward, everything clear
This was the beginning of the end
Cowering groups, herded, shepherded
Footprints, fingerprints, hairs and fibres
The room will be spotless, too neat, too clean
Trying to wash and sweep away memories
This was the beginning of the end
Questions, questions, what did you see?
Blood fills the eyes of the young, impressionable
Description? Too fast; short, tall? fat, thin?
Shocked, scraed, with it or not
This was the beginning of the end
They question me, analyse my every move
Are they suspicious, cautious or what?
False name, wrong address, everything different
I exit, I breathe, turn down the street
this was the beginning of the end
The End
Knock, knock, knock on wood
Anyone home, answer up, face up
Slowly walking, I'm coming, so slowly
Breathing silently, cool, calm, collected
Always remember, it's not my fault
Suits standing tall and proud
Yes, police come inside
Search, looking, finding nothing
They can't get me but they thing them will
Always remember, it's not my fault
Lies stream, a flood of lies
Smooth answers, not too smooth
nice policeman, there, there, nice policemen
Satisfy you curiosity, go ahead and try
Always remember, it's not my fault
Why did you lie, tell me now?
Lie? Who me, but how did they know?
How did they find me, my name, address?
It's not possible, it just can't be
Always remember, it's not my fault
Can't think, can't breathe, can't even move
Come on, come on, answers must be given
Door shuts behind me, they're taking me away
It won't work, there is no proof
Always remember, it's not my fault
The street is grey, breathe in, breathe out
A car slowly driving, passenger in back
Slower, slower, slower still
The policeman smiles, ducks; a barrel
Always remember, it's not my -
The wind is subtle on my cheek
I stand at the cross roads, mild and meek
No-one sees me but people are everywhere
No-one has stopped to look or stare
They all pass by without a word
A roar, a laugh, a whistle, a horn
Maybe it's better never to be born
There's green and I start to walk
Nothing yet about which to talk
I pass them by without a word
A mouth gapes and I step up to it
Through, it closes, bit by bit
I travel along but my feet do not move
Everyone looks like they have something to prove
They all pass by without a word
The crowd encroaches on my personal space
I push and squeeze through the rat race
People lust and crave material things
The richest, adored, abhorred, such as kings
I pass them by without a word
The walls are lost in a sea of bodies
No-one cares in the least where God is
All caught up in business and trade
Lost is the purity of which we were made
They all pass by without a word
Tens, hundreds, thousands of faces
No-one caring for people or places
Time is vital, not a second to be lost
Look out for yourself whatever the cost
I pass them by without a word
So many people yet I am alone
I have a mission, like a dog with a bone
To show them the error of their ways
Some might see better days
They all pass by without a word
Soon they will be mine and only mine
I will pass them over the line
They will be judged by a higher power
There they will hide away and cower
I pass them by without a word
I watch over them, silently observing
Their own desire they are serving
Time is slowing, everything is slow
I feel my cheeks burn and glow
They all pass by without a word
A child will whimper and hold their mother
Well it will do them to hold each other
They have no idea what life is about
I will show them without a doubt
They all pass by without a word
The time has come , I feel, taste it
God will save them, those that are fit
no-one can stop me, not now or ever
No-one will try, no matter how clever
I pass them by without a word
They don't know suffering, they don't know pain
They haven't lived with someone insane
no-one told them of the hiding and beating
It is evil and needs defeating
They all pass by without a word
The have lived a blessed life
Not used as a punching bag but as a wife
Their children are happy, sleeping sound
Next door a child is whipped like a defenceless hound
I pass them by without a word
How much can a person take?
Now I must show them for their own sake
It's their society, it's them that are wrong
They never care for very long
They all pass by without a word
Shots ring out and the crowd is silent
Who would have thought it could be so violent?
Far away, in the distance, a door
Bodies carpet the polished floor
I pass them by without a word
Aftermath of a Massacre
Bodies carpet the polished floor
Everything was silent, nothing moved
Artificial light flooded the area
Hysterical screams, shrill and loud
This was the beginning of the end
The madman gone, is he gone? Where is he?
A flak jacket spins, pressed to the wall
Guns at the ready, making their move
On who or what? where and why?
This was the beginning of the end
A whimper, a cry, a scream, a shout
No-one is certain, no-one is sure
Police flood the area, always aware
Forward, forward, everything clear
This was the beginning of the end
Cowering groups, herded, shepherded
Footprints, fingerprints, hairs and fibres
The room will be spotless, too neat, too clean
Trying to wash and sweep away memories
This was the beginning of the end
Questions, questions, what did you see?
Blood fills the eyes of the young, impressionable
Description? Too fast; short, tall? fat, thin?
Shocked, scraed, with it or not
This was the beginning of the end
They question me, analyse my every move
Are they suspicious, cautious or what?
False name, wrong address, everything different
I exit, I breathe, turn down the street
this was the beginning of the end
The End
Knock, knock, knock on wood
Anyone home, answer up, face up
Slowly walking, I'm coming, so slowly
Breathing silently, cool, calm, collected
Always remember, it's not my fault
Suits standing tall and proud
Yes, police come inside
Search, looking, finding nothing
They can't get me but they thing them will
Always remember, it's not my fault
Lies stream, a flood of lies
Smooth answers, not too smooth
nice policeman, there, there, nice policemen
Satisfy you curiosity, go ahead and try
Always remember, it's not my fault
Why did you lie, tell me now?
Lie? Who me, but how did they know?
How did they find me, my name, address?
It's not possible, it just can't be
Always remember, it's not my fault
Can't think, can't breathe, can't even move
Come on, come on, answers must be given
Door shuts behind me, they're taking me away
It won't work, there is no proof
Always remember, it's not my fault
The street is grey, breathe in, breathe out
A car slowly driving, passenger in back
Slower, slower, slower still
The policeman smiles, ducks; a barrel
Always remember, it's not my -
Let Me
Let me carry you
Far, far away
Though I am not strong
And we have far to go
Let me sing you
A sweet lullaby
Though my voice is not soft
And no music plays
Let me find you
Food for your hunger
Though my country is barren
And the animals fast
Let me shelter you
From rain and wind
Though I am cold
And need to survive
Let me teach you
That you may grow
Though I am old
And have seen brighter days
Let me hear you
When you have spoken
Though I won't remember
And you won't forget
Let me love you
For ever and on
Though I may seem cruel
And you may be hurt.
Far, far away
Though I am not strong
And we have far to go
Let me sing you
A sweet lullaby
Though my voice is not soft
And no music plays
Let me find you
Food for your hunger
Though my country is barren
And the animals fast
Let me shelter you
From rain and wind
Though I am cold
And need to survive
Let me teach you
That you may grow
Though I am old
And have seen brighter days
Let me hear you
When you have spoken
Though I won't remember
And you won't forget
Let me love you
For ever and on
Though I may seem cruel
And you may be hurt.
Requiem for a Society
"The papers are finished now," he said
The lady in blue
Picked up her bag
And left through the door
With 'lawyer' on it in black.
She walked down the street alone
And a teenager
Skated past,
Off with bag,
Her wallet and credit cards.
She entered her workplace depressed,
Her boss came forward,
Looked up,
The piece of paper
In her hand was pink in colour.
Down to the bridge on the bus
Without her bag,
Her job;
Onto the bridge she went.
"The end," she said and jumped.
This was the first poem I ever wrote. I was about 13 or 14 years old and it was for our school english class. Writing this inspired me to write more and learn more about poetry. This love affair is now in its second decade. The poems included on this page span this entire period and does not include every poem I have ever written but is a selection of some of my favourites.
The lady in blue
Picked up her bag
And left through the door
With 'lawyer' on it in black.
She walked down the street alone
And a teenager
Skated past,
Off with bag,
Her wallet and credit cards.
She entered her workplace depressed,
Her boss came forward,
Looked up,
The piece of paper
In her hand was pink in colour.
Down to the bridge on the bus
Without her bag,
Her job;
Onto the bridge she went.
"The end," she said and jumped.
This was the first poem I ever wrote. I was about 13 or 14 years old and it was for our school english class. Writing this inspired me to write more and learn more about poetry. This love affair is now in its second decade. The poems included on this page span this entire period and does not include every poem I have ever written but is a selection of some of my favourites.
Oh, How Wonderful
Oh, how wonderful !!!
To be surrounded by so many
Lucious individuals
So perfect in their own way
But, alas, so unattainable.
How unfortunate for me !!!
To bear witness to their beauty
And grand personalities
That are gifts from Heaven
And too good for the like of me.
On Seeing In A New Year
In the blink of an eye
The old year disappears.
Quicker than a magic trick
The new year nears.
No different from one moment to the next
Yet weighted with the expectations of the world.
We usher in the new year grandly
With red carpet royally unfurled.
Resolutions much the same as the year before
All waiting to be broken once again.
Meaningless in the grand scheme of things
And mattering neither to women or men.