Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Such rude awakening
From pleasantly delicious dreams
By my unfeeling virtual friend
To start a brand new day.

How I long to close my eyes
Against the radiantly bright rays 
And lay my head up on the comfort
Of that soft, feathery paramour?

Yet the world beckons me to rise,
To prepare for the events of day,
To ready myself to face any obstacle
That life may throw my way.

What culinary delights
Should pass my lips
To open my mind
To all the curiosities?

Which delicate aromas may waft,
Like an angels perfume drifting by,
And stir me from my sleepiness
To take on any challenge?

No food nor drink, no slurp nor sip,
Could ever be as strong
As that first, hurried kiss
From a child up several hours gone.

Their life, their energy, their absoluteness,
Endearing and draining, and life affirming;
Taking in everything and nothing,

Lost in the moment and eager for the next.