Write a 5 line poem about the morning after
The furthest point I will ever be
From that dreaded day again;
Nothing like a whole new year
To wash away the loneliness
Of a forlorn Valentine's Day.
Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry. (W.B. Yeats) Here lies that which is inside no more, that which burns my mind and must be expelled. Here lies the greatest of all inventions. Here lies words.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Monday, February 8, 2016
2016 Weekly Writing Experience: February 1st - February 7th
Write a poem about a
beginning, a middle and an end
The Beginning
In the beginning there was nothing.
Nothing to behold or touch or feel.
There was a not knowing of what,
Or who, or even why.
In the beginning there was no sensation
Of what was to come so soon
(so much sooner than expected)
And yet the waiting was agony.
In the beginning there was fear of the unknown
And a nervousness which filled me with butterflies –
So many that my stomach turned in knots
To try to expel them from their cell.
In the beginning there was hope,
A soft, reserved hope that dared not speak
But only dream a magnificent, multi-coloured dream
Of wide-eyed wonder and cosmic expression.
In the beginning, it was the beginning,
Where all things must begin,
When time begins afresh, anew, anon
And the other beginnings are gone.
The Middle
The butterflies were turfed out
By something of more substance –
Perhaps a tiny boxing kangaroo
Warming up for the prize fight.
I caught my breath more than once
For reasons too many to list,
Most often just through a wandering mind
Imagining all the possibilities.
I am woman, hear me roar?
I haven’t earned my tiger stripes.
Though I feel completely transformed,
I have barely changed at all.
I wake almost every night,
Sheets soaked through with sweat,
With images haunting my mind
From behind eyelids closed so tight.
I feel so very alive,
As if I could live forever.
I want to live forever,
To keep this feeling forever.
The End
I may have earned those tiger stripes
But I cannot manage a whimper.
Maybe I should have fought harder
For my little joey once fighting strong.
I would have given anything for 21 years,
But 21 weeks was all I knew,
Along with these few brief moments
Face to tear-stained face.
All we ever wished for,
You delivered in almost every way –
Ten little fingers, ten little toes;
Two bright eyes, one button nose.
Those breaths I so struggled for –
I would gladly give up every one
To allow you all that was promised
But never followed through.
My heart could fill the room I’m in
And you have filled my heart.
I will treasure you every day
Because time begins afresh, anew, anon.