31/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
When I was young
I’d sit by my grandfather’s feet
Listening to records
Playing on the turntable.
He had a really old one,
You had to flip the record yourself
And place the needle carefully
So it wouldn’t scratch.
We’d listen to the classics
Music he’d grown up loving
And I knew all the words
Even though they were well before my time.
He’d say, “Flip it over, kid”
And I’d jump up from the floor.
Then, he’d smile.
He didn’t do that often.
I’d take the needle off
And carefully lift the record
Turning it on one motion
In the blink of an eye.
After I’d set the B side playing
He’d watch me dance to the old songs
Reminiscing about his dance hall days
But I couldn’t imagine him dancing, then.
I still listen to music every day
But it’s not the same unless it’s on vinyl.
To hear the crackle and the noise,
That’s what my heart remembers.
“Music isn’t meant to be perfect,”
My grandfather told me one day,
“It’s meant to sound lived in,
Just like hearing it in the flesh.”
I didn’t know what he meant that day,
And I wouldn’t for a very long time.
He saw me grow and find my own music
And we shared it on that old turntable.
Every year, under the Christmas tree,
A flat, square present waited to be unwrapped
By a child, a teenager, a young woman
And, finally, a mother of rambunctious boys.
But as I sat at his funeral all those years later
Hearing the music they’d chosen for him
It finally made all the sense in the world to me.
It was all too perfect.
Ave Maria carried effortlessly
Across the room as if sung by angels,
And tears rolled down the cheeks
Of relatives and family friends.
But it wasn’t until I heard the hum
Of that old record player
And Vera Lynn’s voice rang out
As if standing before us all.
“We’ll meet again,
Don’t know where, don’t know when,
But I’m sure we’ll meet again
Some sunny day.”
My chin trembled,
My eyes welled up,
I caught my breath
And felt him there.
That lived in sound filled my ears,
And swept over my heart
And his last words came back to me,
“See you on the flipside, kid.”
Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry. (W.B. Yeats) Here lies that which is inside no more, that which burns my mind and must be expelled. Here lies the greatest of all inventions. Here lies words.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Listen Up
30/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Listen to the taps of keys
As I write into the wee small hours
And you are sure to hear a tale
Told from a heartfelt place.
I could not shout these words as loud
As I can through this keyboard lit
By one small lamp beside my bed
Calling to the world beyond.
There is no rhyme or reason here,
Just words upon words, layered high,
Oozing from my fingers down telephone lines
To destinations far and wide.
They are soaked up by eager eyes
In distant lands with foreign tastes
Who will never know me as I am
But only as I seem to be.
What creation I might fabricate
As stars distract me from my work,
Alien light shining from afar
To spark a notion in my mind.
And as I listen to silent stars
Their energy burns through the page
Reaching a hand out into the void
And making contact with what it finds.
Where these words were born, I know not
Yet some fester where I find them
While others grow and creep and shine
Reflecting my injured soul back at me.
The tendrils wrap around my heart
Squeezing experiences from my breast
That burst to life like Sweet Alyssum
Drawing me in as with no other.
And so I am, locked in this dance,
Feverishly spewing out syllables
In some vain hope they make some sense
To more than just my troubled mind.
Then, when those lines have flown the coop,
I shall be absorbed in darkness new
To devour words, to feed the light
and listen to the taps of keys once more.
Listen to the taps of keys
As I write into the wee small hours
And you are sure to hear a tale
Told from a heartfelt place.
I could not shout these words as loud
As I can through this keyboard lit
By one small lamp beside my bed
Calling to the world beyond.
There is no rhyme or reason here,
Just words upon words, layered high,
Oozing from my fingers down telephone lines
To destinations far and wide.
They are soaked up by eager eyes
In distant lands with foreign tastes
Who will never know me as I am
But only as I seem to be.
What creation I might fabricate
As stars distract me from my work,
Alien light shining from afar
To spark a notion in my mind.
And as I listen to silent stars
Their energy burns through the page
Reaching a hand out into the void
And making contact with what it finds.
Where these words were born, I know not
Yet some fester where I find them
While others grow and creep and shine
Reflecting my injured soul back at me.
The tendrils wrap around my heart
Squeezing experiences from my breast
That burst to life like Sweet Alyssum
Drawing me in as with no other.
And so I am, locked in this dance,
Feverishly spewing out syllables
In some vain hope they make some sense
To more than just my troubled mind.
Then, when those lines have flown the coop,
I shall be absorbed in darkness new
To devour words, to feed the light
and listen to the taps of keys once more.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Do Not Cry
29/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
Do not cry, my sweet,
I cannot stand your tears.
They sting like nettles overgrown
And cut a thousand times as deep.
I long to dry your eyes, my love,
But how do I stop the rain from falling?
There’s no magic in these hands
And my words can cast no spells.
If I could take away your pain, my dear,
Scrunch it up into a little ball
And throw it into the fiery pits of hell,
I would not hesitate at all.
There is nothing I wouldn’t do, my precious,
To ease your hurting heart,
To give it back it’s vigour
And return to you your soul.
Because with every tear you shed, my beloved,
When you lay your head on my shoulder
I feel your heart break afresh
And I know there’s nothing I can do.
Do not cry, my sweet,
I cannot stand your tears.
They sting like nettles overgrown
And cut a thousand times as deep.
I long to dry your eyes, my love,
But how do I stop the rain from falling?
There’s no magic in these hands
And my words can cast no spells.
If I could take away your pain, my dear,
Scrunch it up into a little ball
And throw it into the fiery pits of hell,
I would not hesitate at all.
There is nothing I wouldn’t do, my precious,
To ease your hurting heart,
To give it back it’s vigour
And return to you your soul.
Because with every tear you shed, my beloved,
When you lay your head on my shoulder
I feel your heart break afresh
And I know there’s nothing I can do.
Friday, August 28, 2020
28/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Please forgive me my sarcastic nature,
It is the only other language
In which I am fully fluent
And I’d hate for it to go to waste.
The look on your face when you’re not sure
If I am being sarcastic or not
Is quite exquisite in its deliciousness
Until the realisation dawns.
I do try so very hard, mostly,
Not to overdo it in company
But it does tend to slip out
At incredibly inappropriate moments.
Like that time when your darling brother
Dropped the drinks over the table
And I couldn’t help but say,
“I think you missed a spot.”
He was very annoyed,
I don’t think he’s forgiven me yet
But that’s ok,
I’m sure he’ll get over it.
Some people think I’m unintentionally rude
And that they need to quietly admonish me:
I have set them straight with the fact
That I completely intended the insult.
I can always pick the pop-psychologists
When they describe my dark, dry wit
As hostility disguised as humour
When it’s obviously dripping with sarcasm.
If you cannot abide my very occasional snark
Then I am happy to show you the door,
Though the number of times you’ve left
I’m sure you know where it is.
Please forgive me my sarcastic nature,
It is the only other language
In which I am fully fluent
And I’d hate for it to go to waste.
The look on your face when you’re not sure
If I am being sarcastic or not
Is quite exquisite in its deliciousness
Until the realisation dawns.
I do try so very hard, mostly,
Not to overdo it in company
But it does tend to slip out
At incredibly inappropriate moments.
Like that time when your darling brother
Dropped the drinks over the table
And I couldn’t help but say,
“I think you missed a spot.”
He was very annoyed,
I don’t think he’s forgiven me yet
But that’s ok,
I’m sure he’ll get over it.
Some people think I’m unintentionally rude
And that they need to quietly admonish me:
I have set them straight with the fact
That I completely intended the insult.
I can always pick the pop-psychologists
When they describe my dark, dry wit
As hostility disguised as humour
When it’s obviously dripping with sarcasm.
If you cannot abide my very occasional snark
Then I am happy to show you the door,
Though the number of times you’ve left
I’m sure you know where it is.
You Are Wrong
27/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
You are wrong in every conceivable way.
I cannot begin to fathom how wrong
It is possible for one person to be,
Yet here we are.
When we met, I didn’t realise
How ideologically opposed we were
Because you camouflaged your true identity
To ingratiate yourself.
Maybe I missed all the warning signs
And wanted to see the best in you –
I’d set the bar so low without knowing
And the likes of you slipped through.
I’m sorry to say it took me too long
To call you out on your bigotry
And when I did it felt so good
And you took it so very badly.
You reacted like the child you are,
Throwing your proverbial toys from the pram,
And I was one of those toys your tossed
But you’re not getting me back.
You’ve made your bed to lie in
By choosing division over acceptance,
Your compassion chip not functioning
Nor your humanity interface.
I hope, one day, you’ll see the light
But I won’t hold my breath and wait.
I don’t ever want to hear your voice
And I won’t answer the phone when you call.
I don’t understand how you can’t see
That we are all just human beings
Trying to survive this thing called life
And our differences are miniscule.
The colour of my skin doesn’t matter,
It won’t change whether I’m kind or mean,
Unless you make it an obstacle to overcome
When it never was for me.
The language that comes from my mouth
Has no bearing on my intelligence
Though I marvel at those among us
Who can converse in many tongues.
What greater gift than diversity
May be bestowed upon our land?
The melting pot includes us all
And we should treasure every soul.
Your hatred burns inside your heart
And grinds your thoughts to dust;
But your vitriol will never reach my ears
Now that you have been cast aside.
You are wrong in every conceivable way.
I cannot begin to fathom how wrong
It is possible for one person to be,
Yet here we are.
When we met, I didn’t realise
How ideologically opposed we were
Because you camouflaged your true identity
To ingratiate yourself.
Maybe I missed all the warning signs
And wanted to see the best in you –
I’d set the bar so low without knowing
And the likes of you slipped through.
I’m sorry to say it took me too long
To call you out on your bigotry
And when I did it felt so good
And you took it so very badly.
You reacted like the child you are,
Throwing your proverbial toys from the pram,
And I was one of those toys your tossed
But you’re not getting me back.
You’ve made your bed to lie in
By choosing division over acceptance,
Your compassion chip not functioning
Nor your humanity interface.
I hope, one day, you’ll see the light
But I won’t hold my breath and wait.
I don’t ever want to hear your voice
And I won’t answer the phone when you call.
I don’t understand how you can’t see
That we are all just human beings
Trying to survive this thing called life
And our differences are miniscule.
The colour of my skin doesn’t matter,
It won’t change whether I’m kind or mean,
Unless you make it an obstacle to overcome
When it never was for me.
The language that comes from my mouth
Has no bearing on my intelligence
Though I marvel at those among us
Who can converse in many tongues.
What greater gift than diversity
May be bestowed upon our land?
The melting pot includes us all
And we should treasure every soul.
Your hatred burns inside your heart
And grinds your thoughts to dust;
But your vitriol will never reach my ears
Now that you have been cast aside.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
26/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I am perfection.
I am perfectly perfect
At perfecting the art
Of being a perfectionist.
I am perfection.
I am perfectly perfect
At perfecting the art
Of being a perfectionist.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
25/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Do you ever just want to dance
Shrouded in pale moonlight,
Ethereal, otherworldly, and magical,
And free from all that binds?
I wish I could close my eyes,
Covered by hands like butterfly wings,
Blocking out the rest of the world
With all of its harsh reality.
There’s value in holding on tight
To the fantasy of imagination
Where everything impossible is possible
As long as you think it to be.
Slaves could rule over masters,
The hungry could feast on the rich.
Animals could speak words of wisdom
And the planets could all align.
Humankind will always be disparate,
Unequal in power and might,
Bosses lauding control
As kings did over the serfs.
Wealth tears societies apart
With the haves and the have nots,
Imbalance creates a vicious cycle
That keeps the poor in their place.
We tune out the voices we don’t understand
And miss the signs that all around us.
The plants and animals could teach so much
If only we opened our ears.
It seems that we’d much rather have faith
In the sorcery of times gone by
When the seemingly supernatural
Could not yet be explained by likes of us.
Smoke might transform into diamonds,
The sea might give birth to the mountains,
Dragons might sleep on hearth rugs
And moonlight might be as bright as the sun.
But smoke wafts away on the breeze,
No riches left here for me to find.
The lingering odour feeding memories
Of something that may never have occurred.
While the sea roars and rushes
It tears down the land it surrounds,
Eroding the foundation of my existence
As it gorges on all that it sees.
No great wings beat over my head
And my ankles remain unscorched,
With no scales shed in the carpet
And no way to vanquish my foes.
But the moonlight dances on the water
And plays funny tricks on my eyes,
The white sea horses frolic gayly,
Glinting and shimmering and free.
Do you ever just want to dance
Shrouded in pale moonlight,
Ethereal, otherworldly, and magical,
And free from all that binds?
I wish I could close my eyes,
Covered by hands like butterfly wings,
Blocking out the rest of the world
With all of its harsh reality.
There’s value in holding on tight
To the fantasy of imagination
Where everything impossible is possible
As long as you think it to be.
Slaves could rule over masters,
The hungry could feast on the rich.
Animals could speak words of wisdom
And the planets could all align.
Humankind will always be disparate,
Unequal in power and might,
Bosses lauding control
As kings did over the serfs.
Wealth tears societies apart
With the haves and the have nots,
Imbalance creates a vicious cycle
That keeps the poor in their place.
We tune out the voices we don’t understand
And miss the signs that all around us.
The plants and animals could teach so much
If only we opened our ears.
It seems that we’d much rather have faith
In the sorcery of times gone by
When the seemingly supernatural
Could not yet be explained by likes of us.
Smoke might transform into diamonds,
The sea might give birth to the mountains,
Dragons might sleep on hearth rugs
And moonlight might be as bright as the sun.
But smoke wafts away on the breeze,
No riches left here for me to find.
The lingering odour feeding memories
Of something that may never have occurred.
While the sea roars and rushes
It tears down the land it surrounds,
Eroding the foundation of my existence
As it gorges on all that it sees.
No great wings beat over my head
And my ankles remain unscorched,
With no scales shed in the carpet
And no way to vanquish my foes.
But the moonlight dances on the water
And plays funny tricks on my eyes,
The white sea horses frolic gayly,
Glinting and shimmering and free.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Potential Energy
24/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
There is a concept in science
That relates to the energy possessed
By a body by virtue to its location
Relative to that of others.
A common example can be seen
When a child is on a swing,
Being pushed by their doting parent
Without a thought for the forces at work.
The potential energy is shown
At the very top of the swing,
Just before making its descent
And transforming into the kinetic kind.
The same can be said of writers
When they have an idea form in their head
That is the top of their swing
Before the release of the writing phrase.
So, writers, don’t be afraid
If you get told that you have potential.
This means that all of that energy
Is ready to be unleashed on the world.
There is a concept in science
That relates to the energy possessed
By a body by virtue to its location
Relative to that of others.
A common example can be seen
When a child is on a swing,
Being pushed by their doting parent
Without a thought for the forces at work.
The potential energy is shown
At the very top of the swing,
Just before making its descent
And transforming into the kinetic kind.
The same can be said of writers
When they have an idea form in their head
That is the top of their swing
Before the release of the writing phrase.
So, writers, don’t be afraid
If you get told that you have potential.
This means that all of that energy
Is ready to be unleashed on the world.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Living an Imaginary Life
23/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
Sometimes I feel like an actor
Performing in the production of my life
Reading from a script not my own making
And speaking words I have not authored.
I worry that someone will notice
That I’m not really meant to be here
And call me out as the impostor
That I know I probably am.
I struggle against the darkness
That surrounds my innermost thoughts
Encroaching upon and invading me
No matter how I resist.
I stand upon a stage
But the audience is not there,
Shrouded in the shadows
While the spotlight shines on me.
It burns through my skin
Attacking the very heart of me
Breaking me unimaginably
As I deliver unrehearsed lines.
My monologue is delivered
To a barely responsive crew
As they carry on with their own lives
Not regarding me here at all.
There will be no glowing review of this,
No roses thrown at my feet;
There will be no standing ovation
Or fans waiting by the stage door.
I tread the boards alone tonight
And every night before.
Imagining what it must be like
To feel that warm feedback.
But all I get it coldness
As the curtain slowly falls,
Never to be raised again,
No encore, just no more.
Sometimes I feel like an actor
Performing in the production of my life
Reading from a script not my own making
And speaking words I have not authored.
I worry that someone will notice
That I’m not really meant to be here
And call me out as the impostor
That I know I probably am.
I struggle against the darkness
That surrounds my innermost thoughts
Encroaching upon and invading me
No matter how I resist.
I stand upon a stage
But the audience is not there,
Shrouded in the shadows
While the spotlight shines on me.
It burns through my skin
Attacking the very heart of me
Breaking me unimaginably
As I deliver unrehearsed lines.
My monologue is delivered
To a barely responsive crew
As they carry on with their own lives
Not regarding me here at all.
There will be no glowing review of this,
No roses thrown at my feet;
There will be no standing ovation
Or fans waiting by the stage door.
I tread the boards alone tonight
And every night before.
Imagining what it must be like
To feel that warm feedback.
But all I get it coldness
As the curtain slowly falls,
Never to be raised again,
No encore, just no more.
22/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
There are lots of Queens I could talk about
Who have books dedicated to their name
But my absolutely favourite Queen
Plays a far more entertaining game.
This Queen’s name is Randy,
Randy Rainbow to be exact,
And if that name doesn’t bring you joy
I’m sorry for the fun your life has lacked.
He delights us with witticisms
And sings like a bird possessed,
Casting a satirical eye over politics,
And we are truly blessed.
So, next time you’re feeling down
And it’s like the world’s gone to hell
Just listen to one of his songs
And fall under his spell.
There are lots of Queens I could talk about
Who have books dedicated to their name
But my absolutely favourite Queen
Plays a far more entertaining game.
This Queen’s name is Randy,
Randy Rainbow to be exact,
And if that name doesn’t bring you joy
I’m sorry for the fun your life has lacked.
He delights us with witticisms
And sings like a bird possessed,
Casting a satirical eye over politics,
And we are truly blessed.
So, next time you’re feeling down
And it’s like the world’s gone to hell
Just listen to one of his songs
And fall under his spell.
The Crazy Cat Lady
21/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
You could smell her before you saw her
A powerfully pungent odour
Wafting into unsuspecting nostrils
And watering unfamiliar eyes.
As she approached, you’d see her face –
Wrinkled and worn by the years –
Smiling like the cat that got the cream
As she made her way home from the shops.
Her garden was a little neglected,
The lawn could have done with a mow,
The paint was peeling from window frames
And the pavers had seen better days.
She’d turn the key and scurry inside
Like a cat on a hot tin roof
Being careful not to drop the bag
Her babies eagerly awaited.
Her kitchen was meagrely supplied
Save the tins she bought from the store
Which spilled out of cupboards everywhere
Though no one seemed to mind.
Everyone wondered what it was like inside
Though no one dared to approach.
You know what curiosity did to the cat
And the smell would do more than that.
At first nobody noticed
She was prone to not being seen
Sometimes for a few days at a time
Holed up in that forlorn-looking house.
It had become like a cat and mouse game
For the children of the local area
Trying to be the first on the street
To catch a glimpse of the maid.
But this time there was something different,
She had not been seen for too long
The children started to ponder
If it were safe to venture closer.
Their parents thought their silence strange
When they returned suddenly home
“Cat got your tongue?” one asked quizzically,
To the horror of the son stood before them.
A story of some horror unfolded,
Spewing from his mouth in bursts,
About a sight that would haunt him
Until the day that he died.
He let the cat out of the bag,
Told his parents all that he saw,
And the paramedics who attended
Confirmed the sad tale to be true.
The old woman had passed in her sleep,
Her body had lain for some days,
And the babies she kept as companions
Had done what comes naturally to them.
So, look in on your elderly neighbours
And make sure that they are alright,
At least for the sake of the children
And the dignity of your crazy cat friends.
You could smell her before you saw her
A powerfully pungent odour
Wafting into unsuspecting nostrils
And watering unfamiliar eyes.
As she approached, you’d see her face –
Wrinkled and worn by the years –
Smiling like the cat that got the cream
As she made her way home from the shops.
Her garden was a little neglected,
The lawn could have done with a mow,
The paint was peeling from window frames
And the pavers had seen better days.
She’d turn the key and scurry inside
Like a cat on a hot tin roof
Being careful not to drop the bag
Her babies eagerly awaited.
Her kitchen was meagrely supplied
Save the tins she bought from the store
Which spilled out of cupboards everywhere
Though no one seemed to mind.
Everyone wondered what it was like inside
Though no one dared to approach.
You know what curiosity did to the cat
And the smell would do more than that.
At first nobody noticed
She was prone to not being seen
Sometimes for a few days at a time
Holed up in that forlorn-looking house.
It had become like a cat and mouse game
For the children of the local area
Trying to be the first on the street
To catch a glimpse of the maid.
But this time there was something different,
She had not been seen for too long
The children started to ponder
If it were safe to venture closer.
Their parents thought their silence strange
When they returned suddenly home
“Cat got your tongue?” one asked quizzically,
To the horror of the son stood before them.
A story of some horror unfolded,
Spewing from his mouth in bursts,
About a sight that would haunt him
Until the day that he died.
He let the cat out of the bag,
Told his parents all that he saw,
And the paramedics who attended
Confirmed the sad tale to be true.
The old woman had passed in her sleep,
Her body had lain for some days,
And the babies she kept as companions
Had done what comes naturally to them.
So, look in on your elderly neighbours
And make sure that they are alright,
At least for the sake of the children
And the dignity of your crazy cat friends.
The Architect
20/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
I’ve always wanted to be an architect,
Ever since I was a little child,
But circumstances conspired against me
And I chose a different path.
I wish I could go back
And offer my teenage self advice
To follow your heart
Instead of what you feel obliged to do.
I would have told myself to work harder
Because it’s something I’ve come to regret
And now it feels impossible
To reach for that dream again.
I’ve always wanted to be an architect,
Ever since I was a little child,
But circumstances conspired against me
And I chose a different path.
I wish I could go back
And offer my teenage self advice
To follow your heart
Instead of what you feel obliged to do.
I would have told myself to work harder
Because it’s something I’ve come to regret
And now it feels impossible
To reach for that dream again.
Life Didn’t Go as Planned
19/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Life never goes exactly to plan
And that’s okay.
Learning to accept that
Is a big part of being
In this crazy mixed up place
We call existence.
Friendships form and break down
Filled with love and heartache
Laughter and tears and loneliness
And all the other ups and downs
That go along with sharing this space
With other members of the human race
Games are won and lost
Trophies gather dust in boxes
And participation certificates
Lay discarded in forgotten draws
At parent’s houses until they pass
And you accidently rediscover them.
Jobs have their raises and promotions,
As well redundancies and resignations
And the call into the boss’ office
To be fired, for something so often
Completely beyond your control
And that knocks you for six.
One day we’ll look back
On all the events that have made us
Hoping that not too many have broken us
And maybe relive those monumental things
That tore our world into a million pieces
Or fell gloriously into place just for us.
Because one day we’ll run out of days,
We’ll use up all those days and months
And the years will be behind us,
And what we made of this miracle
Will define our entire universe
And how we made it through, unplanned.
Life never goes exactly to plan
And that’s okay.
Learning to accept that
Is a big part of being
In this crazy mixed up place
We call existence.
Friendships form and break down
Filled with love and heartache
Laughter and tears and loneliness
And all the other ups and downs
That go along with sharing this space
With other members of the human race
Games are won and lost
Trophies gather dust in boxes
And participation certificates
Lay discarded in forgotten draws
At parent’s houses until they pass
And you accidently rediscover them.
Jobs have their raises and promotions,
As well redundancies and resignations
And the call into the boss’ office
To be fired, for something so often
Completely beyond your control
And that knocks you for six.
One day we’ll look back
On all the events that have made us
Hoping that not too many have broken us
And maybe relive those monumental things
That tore our world into a million pieces
Or fell gloriously into place just for us.
Because one day we’ll run out of days,
We’ll use up all those days and months
And the years will be behind us,
And what we made of this miracle
Will define our entire universe
And how we made it through, unplanned.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
First Car Vibes
18/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
My Grandmother bought me my first car
So she could see me spend my inheritance.
It was a little red hatchback
And I loved that little car.
I learnt to drive on it at eighteen
In a local industrial area on weekends
Parking between B-doubles and tankers,
And practicing emergency stops.
I drove it all over the country
From city lanes to interstate highways,
Dirt tracks to cobbled streets
And everything in between.
I ate in it often,
Slept in it occasionally,
Worked from it
And definitely played in it.
Eventually I moved on to another car,
Bigger, better, more powerful
And more in tune with where I was
But I’ll never forget Little Red as long as I live.
My Grandmother bought me my first car
So she could see me spend my inheritance.
It was a little red hatchback
And I loved that little car.
I learnt to drive on it at eighteen
In a local industrial area on weekends
Parking between B-doubles and tankers,
And practicing emergency stops.
I drove it all over the country
From city lanes to interstate highways,
Dirt tracks to cobbled streets
And everything in between.
I ate in it often,
Slept in it occasionally,
Worked from it
And definitely played in it.
Eventually I moved on to another car,
Bigger, better, more powerful
And more in tune with where I was
But I’ll never forget Little Red as long as I live.
Not a Doctor
17/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
I am not a doctor.
I would never say I am.
So how do so many others
Get away with such a scam?
I am not a doctor.
I would never say I am.
So how do so many others
Get away with such a scam?
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Clipboard Warriors
16/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
We’ve all be accosted at some point
By those overly friendly people
Happy to take up your time
With what we know are worthwhile causes.
But if you’re anything like me
You’ll not have the time to engage
Or have already given more than you should
To their charity or organisation.
So, we’ll employ those little tricks
Just to make it through the throng
Of clipboards, pamphlets and iPads
And the occasional furry koala.
“Hi, mum,” you’ll say quite loudly
Into a phone that’s not even on,
“No, I haven’t got a date for John’s wedding”
As you eye roll and continue to walk.
If you’re voice acting isn’t so good,
Usually a mime is more than enough,
An exaggerated tap of your watch
And an overly apologetic stare.
Sometimes they manage to catch you
As you’re standing at the pedestrian crossing
But never fear their approach
When you’ve got this trick up your sleeve.
“OMG, you wouldn’t believe it!”
You say, a little too enthusiastically,
“I’ve just signed up to monthly
Direct debit payments with you.”
They’ll be so thrilled to hear this,
And you can always add the line,
“I wouldn’t want to take up your time When there’s so many others you could ask.”
We’ve all be accosted at some point
By those overly friendly people
Happy to take up your time
With what we know are worthwhile causes.
But if you’re anything like me
You’ll not have the time to engage
Or have already given more than you should
To their charity or organisation.
So, we’ll employ those little tricks
Just to make it through the throng
Of clipboards, pamphlets and iPads
And the occasional furry koala.
“Hi, mum,” you’ll say quite loudly
Into a phone that’s not even on,
“No, I haven’t got a date for John’s wedding”
As you eye roll and continue to walk.
If you’re voice acting isn’t so good,
Usually a mime is more than enough,
An exaggerated tap of your watch
And an overly apologetic stare.
Sometimes they manage to catch you
As you’re standing at the pedestrian crossing
But never fear their approach
When you’ve got this trick up your sleeve.
“OMG, you wouldn’t believe it!”
You say, a little too enthusiastically,
“I’ve just signed up to monthly
Direct debit payments with you.”
They’ll be so thrilled to hear this,
And you can always add the line,
“I wouldn’t want to take up your time When there’s so many others you could ask.”
15/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I thought that life had lost its lustre
That it was only full of greys
I felt the storm clouds overhead
And wept outside while it rained
I’d held your hand in waiting rooms
Driven you home with tears in my eyes
I’d mourned you every time you slept
And rejoiced in every waking hour
I scheduled appointments all over the city
Tried to find that one thing that worked
Even if it wasn’t a cure
Maybe it would buy us more time
Then one day you stood by the door
And smiled so completely serenely
You didn’t want to go see the doctor
Not this one or anyone else
The sun streamed in through the window
Giving you an angelic glow
And all I could do was surrender
Even though it meant letting go
We walked to the park instead
And sat by the pond on a bench
Other children fed ducks by the waters edge
And you rested your head on my chest
You drifted off into dreamland
Where you’d run and play as you should
And I knew that I would never wake you
Or hold you again as I did
I carried you back to your bed
A soft afternoon glow filled the room
Outside the birds were a-twittering
And my heart swelled with love for you
I called the ambulance quietly
My voice trembling as I spoke
And though you wouldn’t have heard me
I didn’t want you to know
I held your hand all the way
Because you were my little girl
My love, my world and my everything
And I couldn’t leave you all alone
Then the nurse said that it was time
But who would hold my hand
Now you were finally resting
And I was on my own?
I thought that life had lost its lustre
That it was only full of greys
I felt the storm clouds overhead
And wept outside while it rained
I’d held your hand in waiting rooms
Driven you home with tears in my eyes
I’d mourned you every time you slept
And rejoiced in every waking hour
I scheduled appointments all over the city
Tried to find that one thing that worked
Even if it wasn’t a cure
Maybe it would buy us more time
Then one day you stood by the door
And smiled so completely serenely
You didn’t want to go see the doctor
Not this one or anyone else
The sun streamed in through the window
Giving you an angelic glow
And all I could do was surrender
Even though it meant letting go
We walked to the park instead
And sat by the pond on a bench
Other children fed ducks by the waters edge
And you rested your head on my chest
You drifted off into dreamland
Where you’d run and play as you should
And I knew that I would never wake you
Or hold you again as I did
I carried you back to your bed
A soft afternoon glow filled the room
Outside the birds were a-twittering
And my heart swelled with love for you
I called the ambulance quietly
My voice trembling as I spoke
And though you wouldn’t have heard me
I didn’t want you to know
I held your hand all the way
Because you were my little girl
My love, my world and my everything
And I couldn’t leave you all alone
Then the nurse said that it was time
But who would hold my hand
Now you were finally resting
And I was on my own?
Backseat Driver
14/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Do you know where you’re going?
Yes, I’ve driven there lots.
But do you know the quickest way?
I’m going the easiest way.
Don’t forget there’s that speed camera.
Which one?
The one after that bend. You know.
Slow down, you trying to kill us?
It’s a 70 zone, I’m doing 68.
Red light. Red light! RED LIGHT!
Mate, it’s a hundred metres away.
Can you put Britney on?
My car, my tunes.
I can Bluetooth it.
You’re not pairing to my car.
You’re going the wrong way.
No, I’m not.
You should have turned there.
I know where I’m going.
I need to go to the toilet.
Why didn’t you go before we left?
I didn’t need to go then.
How old are you? Like three?
It’s easier if you take the motorway.
I know, that’s why I’m going that way.
You need to speed up.
You know there’s a limit, right?
Watch that truck.
What truck?
The one over there.
You mean in the breakdown bay?
I thought it was going to pull out.
It didn’t even have the engine on.
Still, you never know.
Mate, it’s fine.
Are we nearly there?
I thought you knew the way?
But I’m hungry.
You’ll just have to wait.
Can we change the radio station?
No, I like this music.
But Metallica sucks.
Get out!
Do you know where you’re going?
Yes, I’ve driven there lots.
But do you know the quickest way?
I’m going the easiest way.
Don’t forget there’s that speed camera.
Which one?
The one after that bend. You know.
Slow down, you trying to kill us?
It’s a 70 zone, I’m doing 68.
Red light. Red light! RED LIGHT!
Mate, it’s a hundred metres away.
Can you put Britney on?
My car, my tunes.
I can Bluetooth it.
You’re not pairing to my car.
You’re going the wrong way.
No, I’m not.
You should have turned there.
I know where I’m going.
I need to go to the toilet.
Why didn’t you go before we left?
I didn’t need to go then.
How old are you? Like three?
It’s easier if you take the motorway.
I know, that’s why I’m going that way.
You need to speed up.
You know there’s a limit, right?
Watch that truck.
What truck?
The one over there.
You mean in the breakdown bay?
I thought it was going to pull out.
It didn’t even have the engine on.
Still, you never know.
Mate, it’s fine.
Are we nearly there?
I thought you knew the way?
But I’m hungry.
You’ll just have to wait.
Can we change the radio station?
No, I like this music.
But Metallica sucks.
Get out!
Passing the Church
13/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Passing the church
For the first time
Since making the decision
To tell my parents
I didn’t believe
Was overwhelming.
Of course,
There were tears,
And bargaining,
And threats
Of eternal damnation
That just didn’t fly.
Each time, though,
It gets easier
To not feel the pull
And I can admire
The architecture
For what it is.
I know they’re inside
Exalting a deity
They cannot see
Or hear or feel
Except through words
Written long ago.
They’re praying for me
To see the light
That they imagine
But I refuse to be blinded
By an ancient myth
Superseded by knowledge.
Passing the church
For the first time
Since making the decision
To tell my parents
I didn’t believe
Was overwhelming.
Of course,
There were tears,
And bargaining,
And threats
Of eternal damnation
That just didn’t fly.
Each time, though,
It gets easier
To not feel the pull
And I can admire
The architecture
For what it is.
I know they’re inside
Exalting a deity
They cannot see
Or hear or feel
Except through words
Written long ago.
They’re praying for me
To see the light
That they imagine
But I refuse to be blinded
By an ancient myth
Superseded by knowledge.
12/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I am trapped.
Caught between
Obligation and
A freedom that
Seems to be
Just out of reach.
I am cornered
By a family
Who loves me
For who they think
I am but not who
I am on the inside.
I am besieged
By emotions I
Shouldn’t have to fight
But cannot quell
And leave me
Bereft of strength.
I am stranded
And alone
In this world
Of make believe
That I have discarded
As a folly of youth.
I am held hostage
By beliefs not my own
But foisted upon me
By generations
Of unquestioning
I am trapped.
Caught between
Obligation and
A freedom that
Seems to be
Just out of reach.
I am cornered
By a family
Who loves me
For who they think
I am but not who
I am on the inside.
I am besieged
By emotions I
Shouldn’t have to fight
But cannot quell
And leave me
Bereft of strength.
I am stranded
And alone
In this world
Of make believe
That I have discarded
As a folly of youth.
I am held hostage
By beliefs not my own
But foisted upon me
By generations
Of unquestioning
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Marathon Runner
11/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
You may not have heard of this man
Named Ricardo Abad Martinez
Who has a passion for running
And does it whenever he can.
His most famous feat,
As opposed to his feet of equal fame,
Was running a marathon every day
For over eighteen months straight.
Beginning on October 1
In the year of 2010,
He held down a full-time job
While running 42k's every day.
On February 12, 2012
He reached a remarkable milestone:
500 marathons run
Over 500 consecutive days.
But he wasn’t done there.
He continued on for over three months,
Completing a record of 607
Which proudly stands to this day.
So, as you enjoy your sleep in,
Or laze about on the couch
There’s a man who’d run rings around you
Every day of the week without pause.
You may not have heard of this man
Named Ricardo Abad Martinez
Who has a passion for running
And does it whenever he can.
His most famous feat,
As opposed to his feet of equal fame,
Was running a marathon every day
For over eighteen months straight.
Beginning on October 1
In the year of 2010,
He held down a full-time job
While running 42k's every day.
On February 12, 2012
He reached a remarkable milestone:
500 marathons run
Over 500 consecutive days.
But he wasn’t done there.
He continued on for over three months,
Completing a record of 607
Which proudly stands to this day.
So, as you enjoy your sleep in,
Or laze about on the couch
There’s a man who’d run rings around you
Every day of the week without pause.
The Criminal Mind
10/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
When I looked in the mirror
I didn’t see a criminal.
I saw only my own features
Staring back at me.
I saw no evil lurking behind those eyes
There was no maliciousness
Or intent towards harm.
They were just my eyes.
As a child I had thrilled at the thought
Of living close to the edge.
Spear fishing and free climbing
Were amongst my favourite things.
I had no time for people my age,
They were immature and,
If I was perfectly honest,
Beneath me and my endeavours.
In sports, I excelled and took great pride
In the defeat of others,
Their disappointment, even their tears,
As I reigned victorious fed me.
Possession meant nothing to me
And even less the possession of others,
What was yours was mine
And save your whiney complaints.
It wasn’t my fault that you failed
At keeping what you obviously valued
But it was clearly better that I had it
When you couldn’t take care of it.
As I grew and was allowed more freedom
From my overly affectionate parents
Who clung to me like limpets
Craving my attention, always.
The rush as the train swept by the station,
My toes and face mere inches away,
Made my heart race like nothing else
And I longed to relive that sensation.
Learning to drive, I had no time for others,
Their need to merge or desire to overtake.
They were at my mercy and I had none.
They were weak and I was not.
When I went to university,
Women threw themselves at me.
I had them all and then some,
They didn’t need to say a word.
They gave me what I wanted
And even when they didn’t
I took that to which I was entitled
They thanked me for that gift.
But I had no time for them
Or their interminable needs,
I had a world to conquer
And they simply slowed me down.
I heard what people said of me,
They couldn’t help themselves.
Of course, they had to make up stories
To make themselves feel better.
They all knew that I was smarter,
That they’d be begging for my time
When I flying high above them –
They’d pay to scrape dirt from my shoe.
The police that first spoke to me
Knew what I was saying was true
But the system was stacked against me
Because it was afraid of my potential.
Those women used their bodies against me,
Claiming they didn’t give their consent.
I simply took what was on offer,
I’m not responsible for their buyer’s remorse.
I watched them each day from the dock,
Wanting to shut their filthy mouths,
And I imagined how I would show them
Who was really in charge.
The jury took less than an hour
And I knew as soon as I saw,
The bitches had gotten their way
By spinning their tale of woe.
I had jumped the rail before they realised
And had my hand around the foreman’s neck
Whispering all the things I was going to do
That I knew his wife wouldn’t be able to resist.
I was in every headline.
I was the star of the show.
I was the master of my own destiny
And I controlled every word they said.
They were minions before me, every one,
As they lined up to peek in my brain.
Their pathetic need to be near me
And to have their name associated with mine.
I am the top dog of this facility
Where they keep me under lock and key,
Afraid of my brilliance and courage,
They could never be anything like me.
They will eventually see the error of their ways
And I will once more take my place
Ready to grace every history book
That dares to live up to my expectations.
But for now, I bide my time
And imagine how those that have wronged me
Will be made to pay for their betrayal
And suffer the consequences of their actions.
They will regret ever meeting me,
For they will have brought it all on themselves,
By daring to think they are better
After being seduced by my charm.
I was the greatest they ever had,
And I will be one last time,
For they will never have another
After I get my hands on them.
When I looked in the mirror
I didn’t see a criminal.
I saw only my own features
Staring back at me.
I saw no evil lurking behind those eyes
There was no maliciousness
Or intent towards harm.
They were just my eyes.
As a child I had thrilled at the thought
Of living close to the edge.
Spear fishing and free climbing
Were amongst my favourite things.
I had no time for people my age,
They were immature and,
If I was perfectly honest,
Beneath me and my endeavours.
In sports, I excelled and took great pride
In the defeat of others,
Their disappointment, even their tears,
As I reigned victorious fed me.
Possession meant nothing to me
And even less the possession of others,
What was yours was mine
And save your whiney complaints.
It wasn’t my fault that you failed
At keeping what you obviously valued
But it was clearly better that I had it
When you couldn’t take care of it.
As I grew and was allowed more freedom
From my overly affectionate parents
Who clung to me like limpets
Craving my attention, always.
The rush as the train swept by the station,
My toes and face mere inches away,
Made my heart race like nothing else
And I longed to relive that sensation.
Learning to drive, I had no time for others,
Their need to merge or desire to overtake.
They were at my mercy and I had none.
They were weak and I was not.
When I went to university,
Women threw themselves at me.
I had them all and then some,
They didn’t need to say a word.
They gave me what I wanted
And even when they didn’t
I took that to which I was entitled
They thanked me for that gift.
But I had no time for them
Or their interminable needs,
I had a world to conquer
And they simply slowed me down.
I heard what people said of me,
They couldn’t help themselves.
Of course, they had to make up stories
To make themselves feel better.
They all knew that I was smarter,
That they’d be begging for my time
When I flying high above them –
They’d pay to scrape dirt from my shoe.
The police that first spoke to me
Knew what I was saying was true
But the system was stacked against me
Because it was afraid of my potential.
Those women used their bodies against me,
Claiming they didn’t give their consent.
I simply took what was on offer,
I’m not responsible for their buyer’s remorse.
I watched them each day from the dock,
Wanting to shut their filthy mouths,
And I imagined how I would show them
Who was really in charge.
The jury took less than an hour
And I knew as soon as I saw,
The bitches had gotten their way
By spinning their tale of woe.
I had jumped the rail before they realised
And had my hand around the foreman’s neck
Whispering all the things I was going to do
That I knew his wife wouldn’t be able to resist.
I was in every headline.
I was the star of the show.
I was the master of my own destiny
And I controlled every word they said.
They were minions before me, every one,
As they lined up to peek in my brain.
Their pathetic need to be near me
And to have their name associated with mine.
I am the top dog of this facility
Where they keep me under lock and key,
Afraid of my brilliance and courage,
They could never be anything like me.
They will eventually see the error of their ways
And I will once more take my place
Ready to grace every history book
That dares to live up to my expectations.
But for now, I bide my time
And imagine how those that have wronged me
Will be made to pay for their betrayal
And suffer the consequences of their actions.
They will regret ever meeting me,
For they will have brought it all on themselves,
By daring to think they are better
After being seduced by my charm.
I was the greatest they ever had,
And I will be one last time,
For they will never have another
After I get my hands on them.
No One Understands
09/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
No one understands what it is to be me,
To live inside my head,
With all the insecurities,
The anxiety, the depression, the guilt.
I wish I could escape myself
When it all becomes too much,
When it threatens to overwhelm me
And I have nothing left to give.
No one understands what it is to be me,
To live inside my head,
With all the insecurities,
The anxiety, the depression, the guilt.
I wish I could escape myself
When it all becomes too much,
When it threatens to overwhelm me
And I have nothing left to give.
The Box
08/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
The cat looked at the box.
It hadn’t been there the day before.
She looked at it from a distance,
Then circled it carefully,
Regarding it with suspicion,
Before approaching it
As if it might suddenly
Launch an attack on her.
She sniffed it,
Pulled away,
Then sniffed again.
The odour was new
But not unpleasant.
This was now her box.
She poked her head over the side,
(Examining, measuring)
And decided that, yes,
She would in fact fit
And stepped delicately in,
Barely making a sound,
Conforming her body to the box
Until the edges between box and cat
Were blurred to the point of
Being unable to tell where one ended
And the other began.
The cat looked at the box.
It hadn’t been there the day before.
She looked at it from a distance,
Then circled it carefully,
Regarding it with suspicion,
Before approaching it
As if it might suddenly
Launch an attack on her.
She sniffed it,
Pulled away,
Then sniffed again.
The odour was new
But not unpleasant.
This was now her box.
She poked her head over the side,
(Examining, measuring)
And decided that, yes,
She would in fact fit
And stepped delicately in,
Barely making a sound,
Conforming her body to the box
Until the edges between box and cat
Were blurred to the point of
Being unable to tell where one ended
And the other began.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
07/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I am not unemployed.
I am unemployable.
There is no real reason.
It’s just what I’m told.
I have the qualifications.
I have done the all the hours.
I’d just like to be given a chance
Like everybody else.
I’m not overly political,
I don’t bring my views to work.
I don’t like to get into arguments
Or cause any tension.
I quite like sports and theatre,
I can happily talk about both,
And I’m not pushy with my opinion
Even when heavily pressed.
I can work from home or an office,
With others or on my own,
I sound, on paper, like perfection
Until I walk in the door.
They never come out and say it,
But how I look frightens them off.
They don’t need to tell me directly,
I can tell before they open their mouth.
I won’t apologise for who I am,
I can’t change the way I appear,
And if you won’t see past the superficial
I don’t want to work for you there.
But I would like to be given an opportunity
To show that I’m capable, at least.
That how I look doesn’t affect my work,
Only your perception of me.
I am not unemployed.
I am unemployable.
There is no real reason.
It’s just what I’m told.
I have the qualifications.
I have done the all the hours.
I’d just like to be given a chance
Like everybody else.
I’m not overly political,
I don’t bring my views to work.
I don’t like to get into arguments
Or cause any tension.
I quite like sports and theatre,
I can happily talk about both,
And I’m not pushy with my opinion
Even when heavily pressed.
I can work from home or an office,
With others or on my own,
I sound, on paper, like perfection
Until I walk in the door.
They never come out and say it,
But how I look frightens them off.
They don’t need to tell me directly,
I can tell before they open their mouth.
I won’t apologise for who I am,
I can’t change the way I appear,
And if you won’t see past the superficial
I don’t want to work for you there.
But I would like to be given an opportunity
To show that I’m capable, at least.
That how I look doesn’t affect my work,
Only your perception of me.
Fast Food
06/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I grabbed a stick of celery
To nibble on while I worked
It was the fastest snack I’d made
In the history of making snacks.
It happened faster than the fries,
And quicker than the burger,
It was speedier than the slurpee
And more prompt than Portuguese.
I grabbed a stick of celery
To nibble on while I worked
It was the fastest snack I’d made
In the history of making snacks.
It happened faster than the fries,
And quicker than the burger,
It was speedier than the slurpee
And more prompt than Portuguese.
Strange Universe
05/08/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
There’s a planet in our universe
With the wonderfully inventive name
Of HD 131399Ab
Which plays a very dangerous game.
Luckily, it’s located very far
From this tiny planet we call home
Around 340 light years away
Making safe our little biome.
But in the constellation Centaurus
Scorpion-1b, as we’ll call it for short,
Has a unique relationship
With the suns it wishes to court.
If Scorpion-1b were to be found
In our solar system by chance
It would dwarf even Jupiter and
Make astronomers take a second glance.
Its system has not just one sun,
Not two, but three suns in total
Linked to them in fine balance
And, by their gravity, it is motile.
Its orbit is extraordinarily long,
Taking 550 earth years to complete;
Around the biggest of the three stars
It meanders without missing a beat.
The other two stars are locked,
Orbiting each other in a kind of dance
Whilst also orbiting the central star
A magical thing upon which to glance.
For somewhat just over a century
Scorpion-1b has constant daylight
With all three suns visible
Beaming their rays so bright.
At other times during the year
The suns will rise and set
Giving a spectacular triple feature
Any photographer would pay to get.
But finding a place to stand
Might be hard going, you know,
What with it being a gas giant
It has no surface on which to go.
It’s unlikely to harbour any life
(conditions being unfavourable at best)
With liquid iron falling as rain
An umbrella would not stand the test.
It is a young planet, to be sure.
Only 16 million years, give or take.
And that gives us plenty of time
For discoveries aplenty to make.
So next time you search the skies
Be reminded of Scorpion-1b
And the billions of worlds left to find.
Oh, what treasures are left to see!
There’s a planet in our universe
With the wonderfully inventive name
Of HD 131399Ab
Which plays a very dangerous game.
Luckily, it’s located very far
From this tiny planet we call home
Around 340 light years away
Making safe our little biome.
But in the constellation Centaurus
Scorpion-1b, as we’ll call it for short,
Has a unique relationship
With the suns it wishes to court.
If Scorpion-1b were to be found
In our solar system by chance
It would dwarf even Jupiter and
Make astronomers take a second glance.
Its system has not just one sun,
Not two, but three suns in total
Linked to them in fine balance
And, by their gravity, it is motile.
Its orbit is extraordinarily long,
Taking 550 earth years to complete;
Around the biggest of the three stars
It meanders without missing a beat.
The other two stars are locked,
Orbiting each other in a kind of dance
Whilst also orbiting the central star
A magical thing upon which to glance.
For somewhat just over a century
Scorpion-1b has constant daylight
With all three suns visible
Beaming their rays so bright.
At other times during the year
The suns will rise and set
Giving a spectacular triple feature
Any photographer would pay to get.
But finding a place to stand
Might be hard going, you know,
What with it being a gas giant
It has no surface on which to go.
It’s unlikely to harbour any life
(conditions being unfavourable at best)
With liquid iron falling as rain
An umbrella would not stand the test.
It is a young planet, to be sure.
Only 16 million years, give or take.
And that gives us plenty of time
For discoveries aplenty to make.
So next time you search the skies
Be reminded of Scorpion-1b
And the billions of worlds left to find.
Oh, what treasures are left to see!
Locked in a Jar
04/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Locked in a jar
Deep in my heart
There’s a memory
Of a long-ago time
With people now gone
In a place I’ll never return.
Locked in a jar
Is a feeling of love
That envelopes the memory
And holds it tight
So it may never wither
Or evaporate in the night.
Locked in a jar
Where it is eternally safe
Is a picture of you
That never grows old
And stays with me always
Until my last breath.
Locked in a jar
Deep in my heart
There’s a memory
Of a long-ago time
With people now gone
In a place I’ll never return.
Locked in a jar
Is a feeling of love
That envelopes the memory
And holds it tight
So it may never wither
Or evaporate in the night.
Locked in a jar
Where it is eternally safe
Is a picture of you
That never grows old
And stays with me always
Until my last breath.
Trust Issues
03/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Trust is an issue for me.
I don’t trust anyone.
I know that people tell my secrets
So I don’t have secrets anymore.
I create a reality for myself
That I am happy to share to all
And it is nothing I worry about
Being disseminated
To the general public at any time
Because anything I tell you today
I’ll probably shout to the world tomorrow.
Trust is an issue for me.
I don’t trust anyone.
I know that people tell my secrets
So I don’t have secrets anymore.
I create a reality for myself
That I am happy to share to all
And it is nothing I worry about
Being disseminated
To the general public at any time
Because anything I tell you today
I’ll probably shout to the world tomorrow.
On Shaky Ground
02/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I was sitting at my desk
When I felt a strange sensation.
It was almost imperceptible
But I could have sworn
On my dead father’s grave
That the floor shook,
Just a little and just for a bit.
I looked around
But no one else seemed to notice.
Maybe I’d imagined it
Though it’d felt quite real.
A little while later
It could not be mistaken,
The windows rattled for a second
And everyone looked up
Thinking something must have flown
Directly into the windows
But it came from all directions.
And just as everyone turned away
The windows began to vibrate
And several picture frames
Filled with photos of loved ones
Sitting on people’s desks
Toppled over without warning.
The looks on people’s faces
Ranged from the quizzical
To the downright scared.
We all agreed it had been an earthquake
But no one could say where it was exactly.
The news was no help,
With merely unconfirmed reports
From all over the city.
As we stood around,
Wondering what to do,
We were nearly knocked off our feet
By a large jolt.
The curtains swayed
Despite the closed windows
And several people let out gasps
As they grabbed their desks to steady themselves.
We all ran for door frames
To brace ourselves with
Or hid under desks
That would provide little protection
If the ceiling came down upon us,
As the shaking and rolling continued
For some minutes.
Then it was silent.
No birds chirped.
We emerged from our places
Of relative safety
To investigate any damage.
Too soon,
as we discovered a moment later,
When the next jolt hit,
Stronger than before
As if it were getting closer.
The disturbed papers
And fallen plants and pictures
Were the least of our worries
As the ripples came,
Wave after wave
With barely any time between some
And we took those still seconds
To run to the street
Where others from the surrounding buildings
Had also gathered.
Many sat in the middle of the road
Unable to remain upright
As car alarms sounded from every direction,
Set off by each successive wave.
Huge light posts swayed
And a tree up the road was uprooted.
We could hear sirens a few streets away,
Wailing above the cacophony
Of fire alarms and dogs barking,
Tearing off away from us
To help those more in need
Than we few shaken souls
Standing in the cold street
Trying to make sense of what had happened
And what to do next.
I was sitting at my desk
When I felt a strange sensation.
It was almost imperceptible
But I could have sworn
On my dead father’s grave
That the floor shook,
Just a little and just for a bit.
I looked around
But no one else seemed to notice.
Maybe I’d imagined it
Though it’d felt quite real.
A little while later
It could not be mistaken,
The windows rattled for a second
And everyone looked up
Thinking something must have flown
Directly into the windows
But it came from all directions.
And just as everyone turned away
The windows began to vibrate
And several picture frames
Filled with photos of loved ones
Sitting on people’s desks
Toppled over without warning.
The looks on people’s faces
Ranged from the quizzical
To the downright scared.
We all agreed it had been an earthquake
But no one could say where it was exactly.
The news was no help,
With merely unconfirmed reports
From all over the city.
As we stood around,
Wondering what to do,
We were nearly knocked off our feet
By a large jolt.
The curtains swayed
Despite the closed windows
And several people let out gasps
As they grabbed their desks to steady themselves.
We all ran for door frames
To brace ourselves with
Or hid under desks
That would provide little protection
If the ceiling came down upon us,
As the shaking and rolling continued
For some minutes.
Then it was silent.
No birds chirped.
We emerged from our places
Of relative safety
To investigate any damage.
Too soon,
as we discovered a moment later,
When the next jolt hit,
Stronger than before
As if it were getting closer.
The disturbed papers
And fallen plants and pictures
Were the least of our worries
As the ripples came,
Wave after wave
With barely any time between some
And we took those still seconds
To run to the street
Where others from the surrounding buildings
Had also gathered.
Many sat in the middle of the road
Unable to remain upright
As car alarms sounded from every direction,
Set off by each successive wave.
Huge light posts swayed
And a tree up the road was uprooted.
We could hear sirens a few streets away,
Wailing above the cacophony
Of fire alarms and dogs barking,
Tearing off away from us
To help those more in need
Than we few shaken souls
Standing in the cold street
Trying to make sense of what had happened
And what to do next.
01/08/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I feel it encroaching on me
I feel its obstructive voice
It feels like a distortion
It feels like I’m being harassed
Can’t I be free of this disruption?
Can’t I escape the violation I feel?
I have no involvement here
I have no influence over my life
I know it tries to manipulate me
I know about societies prejudice
I want to run away from the pressure
I want to be free of this parasite
There’s no need for an intervention
There’s no need for this disturbance
All it does is create more noise
All it does is block my thoughts
I am being infringed upon
I am being jammed inside my head
I cannot abide the interruption
I cannot take this intrusiveness
This assistance is hindering me
This hitch is slowing me down
I loathe this encumbrance
I loathe this uninvited intrusion
I don’t need any well-meaning aide
I don’t need any misguided meddling
I don’t want any help from outside
I don’t want any interference from you
I feel it encroaching on me
I feel its obstructive voice
It feels like a distortion
It feels like I’m being harassed
Can’t I be free of this disruption?
Can’t I escape the violation I feel?
I have no involvement here
I have no influence over my life
I know it tries to manipulate me
I know about societies prejudice
I want to run away from the pressure
I want to be free of this parasite
There’s no need for an intervention
There’s no need for this disturbance
All it does is create more noise
All it does is block my thoughts
I am being infringed upon
I am being jammed inside my head
I cannot abide the interruption
I cannot take this intrusiveness
This assistance is hindering me
This hitch is slowing me down
I loathe this encumbrance
I loathe this uninvited intrusion
I don’t need any well-meaning aide
I don’t need any misguided meddling
I don’t want any help from outside
I don’t want any interference from you
31/07/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
To be completely honest
I’d let the garden go.
It was too much work.
What with being a mum
And working full time
And having my mother live with us
There just wasn’t enough
Time or energy left at the end of the day
To make time for the poor garden
And it did look so neglected.
If I could have paid someone
To come in a mow the lawn
Or trim the trees,
Perhaps to a bit of weeding,
I would have jumped at the chance
But the purse strings were tight
And anything bar food and utilities
Was a frivolous spend right now.
So, the grass grew too long.
The weeds were out of control.
The trees hung branches over the fence.
Then it happened.
Not just to me but to everyone.
The world stopped.
Work closed up.
The pubs shut, the cafes closed.
And I was stuck in my house
Staring out at my sad looking garden
Wondering what I was going to do.
Then it struck me – here was my chance.
Not to pay someone to fix my garden
But to fix it myself, to be productive.
So, I put on my boots and gloves
And pulled out the secateurs,
Barely used this past year.
I got to work, pruning and trimming,
Mowing the lawn and tidying the edges,
And weeding the flower beds
Until it looked like a garden again And not the unruly, overgrown mess it was.
To be completely honest
I’d let the garden go.
It was too much work.
What with being a mum
And working full time
And having my mother live with us
There just wasn’t enough
Time or energy left at the end of the day
To make time for the poor garden
And it did look so neglected.
If I could have paid someone
To come in a mow the lawn
Or trim the trees,
Perhaps to a bit of weeding,
I would have jumped at the chance
But the purse strings were tight
And anything bar food and utilities
Was a frivolous spend right now.
So, the grass grew too long.
The weeds were out of control.
The trees hung branches over the fence.
Then it happened.
Not just to me but to everyone.
The world stopped.
Work closed up.
The pubs shut, the cafes closed.
And I was stuck in my house
Staring out at my sad looking garden
Wondering what I was going to do.
Then it struck me – here was my chance.
Not to pay someone to fix my garden
But to fix it myself, to be productive.
So, I put on my boots and gloves
And pulled out the secateurs,
Barely used this past year.
I got to work, pruning and trimming,
Mowing the lawn and tidying the edges,
And weeding the flower beds
Until it looked like a garden again And not the unruly, overgrown mess it was.
The After Party
30/07/2020 – Poem a Day Compliation
Glasses clinked together
Music blared from hidden speakers
Celebs congratulated and commiserated
As I stood on the edge of it all
I did not belong here
Among the fancy drinks
And even fancier foods
Being served on silver trays
Then I spied her,
Sitting by the pool,
Looking adorable
And completely alone.
I made my way through the crowd
Of glitterati and wannabes
To the side of the pool
Smiling as I approached.
She turned her head
And her eyes melted my heart.
This was where I should be,
I had found my place after all.
I reached out a hand,
She lifted hers to mine,
It was so soft and delicate,
Like heaven to touch.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,”
I said with an eloquence
I normally had to put on for strangers
But for her it came naturally.
I thought I detected a hint of a smile
As she withdrew from my hand,
Before she sidled up to me
And licked my face like the good girl she was.
Glasses clinked together
Music blared from hidden speakers
Celebs congratulated and commiserated
As I stood on the edge of it all
I did not belong here
Among the fancy drinks
And even fancier foods
Being served on silver trays
Then I spied her,
Sitting by the pool,
Looking adorable
And completely alone.
I made my way through the crowd
Of glitterati and wannabes
To the side of the pool
Smiling as I approached.
She turned her head
And her eyes melted my heart.
This was where I should be,
I had found my place after all.
I reached out a hand,
She lifted hers to mine,
It was so soft and delicate,
Like heaven to touch.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,”
I said with an eloquence
I normally had to put on for strangers
But for her it came naturally.
I thought I detected a hint of a smile
As she withdrew from my hand,
Before she sidled up to me
And licked my face like the good girl she was.
The Joy of Sweaters
29/07/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
There is nothing better
Than snuggling up in a sweater
One size too big
That belonged to an ex
That forgot to take it with them
And feels like a warm hug
When you put the hot water bottle
Underneath it
But over your singlet,
And you have the trackpants on
That are way too long
But you can’t be bothered taking up
So they act like socks as well.
There is nothing better
Than snuggling up in a sweater
One size too big
That belonged to an ex
That forgot to take it with them
And feels like a warm hug
When you put the hot water bottle
Underneath it
But over your singlet,
And you have the trackpants on
That are way too long
But you can’t be bothered taking up
So they act like socks as well.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
How to make a Chocolate Cake
28/07/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
This recipe gives a preparation time
Of forty minutes but, I think
They have neglected to include
The dash to the shops because
I have forgotten at least two
Of the main ingredients.
According to the directions
It makes one 8-inch two-layer cake
But does that allow for me
Sampling the mix as I go
And the children who want
To lick beaters and the bowl?
First, I need to preheat oven to 350 degrees.
No, first, I need to look up how to convert
Fahrenheit to Centigrade
Or run the risk of burning the house down
And having no chocolate cake to show for it,
Which may be the bigger tragedy here.
Next, I must butter cake pans.
Clearly, the first instruction
Should have been to remove said butter
From the fridge so that it can be
Applied easily to the cake pans
By small children who refuse to wait patiently.
No, child, when it says to “line bottoms
with parchment paper, and butter paper”
It does not mean to line your own bottom
Using the butter to hold it in place,
Now I must get more butter out
And find more parchment paper.
Then comes the dusting of the pans with cocoa;
And the dusting on the counter tops,
The recipe book, and the younger brother.
Followed by the tapping out the excess cocoa
Directly, in theory, into the mouth of older sister
Who gets some in her eye almost immediately.
After carefully washing out said daughters eye
We sift the cocoa, flour, baking soda,
baking powder, salt, and sugar into a bowl.
Well, most of it is in the bowl.
Some is on the benchtops with the cocoa
And I’m sure some is in my slipper, as well.
The next instruction is to beat in oil,
Buttermilk, vanilla, eggs, and hot water
Be sure to use the mixer set at low
(Don’t ask me how I know this)
And beat ‘til smooth, or you run out of patience.
Pour the batter into the pans yourself.
Do not be persuaded by puppy dog eyes
From small humans
Covered in various ingredients
That were supposed to be in the bowl
And not in every orifice of their body.
Bake for 45 to 55 minutes,
Or until a toothpick inserted into the centre
Comes out clean enough that
The child still hovering doesn’t want to
Lick it and stab themselves in the tongue,
The others distracted by bowls and beaters.
This recipe gives a preparation time
Of forty minutes but, I think
They have neglected to include
The dash to the shops because
I have forgotten at least two
Of the main ingredients.
According to the directions
It makes one 8-inch two-layer cake
But does that allow for me
Sampling the mix as I go
And the children who want
To lick beaters and the bowl?
First, I need to preheat oven to 350 degrees.
No, first, I need to look up how to convert
Fahrenheit to Centigrade
Or run the risk of burning the house down
And having no chocolate cake to show for it,
Which may be the bigger tragedy here.
Next, I must butter cake pans.
Clearly, the first instruction
Should have been to remove said butter
From the fridge so that it can be
Applied easily to the cake pans
By small children who refuse to wait patiently.
No, child, when it says to “line bottoms
with parchment paper, and butter paper”
It does not mean to line your own bottom
Using the butter to hold it in place,
Now I must get more butter out
And find more parchment paper.
Then comes the dusting of the pans with cocoa;
And the dusting on the counter tops,
The recipe book, and the younger brother.
Followed by the tapping out the excess cocoa
Directly, in theory, into the mouth of older sister
Who gets some in her eye almost immediately.
After carefully washing out said daughters eye
We sift the cocoa, flour, baking soda,
baking powder, salt, and sugar into a bowl.
Well, most of it is in the bowl.
Some is on the benchtops with the cocoa
And I’m sure some is in my slipper, as well.
The next instruction is to beat in oil,
Buttermilk, vanilla, eggs, and hot water
Be sure to use the mixer set at low
(Don’t ask me how I know this)
And beat ‘til smooth, or you run out of patience.
Pour the batter into the pans yourself.
Do not be persuaded by puppy dog eyes
From small humans
Covered in various ingredients
That were supposed to be in the bowl
And not in every orifice of their body.
Bake for 45 to 55 minutes,
Or until a toothpick inserted into the centre
Comes out clean enough that
The child still hovering doesn’t want to
Lick it and stab themselves in the tongue,
The others distracted by bowls and beaters.
Rotate the pans halfway through
Because you haven’t got enough things
To keep you occupied,
What with cleaning up the children
And the benched, and the floor,
To a somewhat respectable standard.
Remember to remove cakes from the oven.
This is very important.
Otherwise you end up with two tins
Of solid rock that not even the dog wants,
And the kitchen smells of burnt dreams
For at least the next two days.
Let cakes cool in pans on wire racks.
They say 20 minutes, but it’s usually more.
Sometimes it’s an hour because
Child one has discovered the frosting
And is eating with a spoon under their bed
While the other two cry because they’re not.
Invert the pans to remove the cakes
(hopefully intact and not charred)
Before discarding the parchment paper
Securely enough that the bastard cat
Can’t claw it out of the rubbish
And scatter crumbs throughout the house.
Cool completely on racks, top side up,
Though, by this point, I’m not entirely sure
Which is the top or the bottom of either cake,
And cut off the top of one layer,
Remembering to feed the off cuts
To the remaining seagulls, I mean children.
With a butter knife, frost top of trimmed layer.
Failing to find a butter knife, use any flat item
You may have laying about in the kitchen
Or, as last resort, your garden shed
Because it’s probably easier than finding
A godforsaken butter knife where it should be.
Place the other layer of cake on top
(Assuming you managed to salvage both cakes)
And frost top and sides of the cake
With your butter knife, or trowel,
Until not completely disappointed
With the final result.
The next steps are the most important
So pay careful attention:
Cut two small slices for the children,
Reminding the third that she just consumed
Her body weight in frosting and will be
Violently ill if she even looks at the cake.
Cut a slightly larger slice for your partner
Who conveniently disappeared to the shed
Whilst this whole ordeal was happening
And will be in charge of cleaning up the mess,
But did help you find the trowel
So deserves some reward for that effort.
Take the rest of the cake,
Which should amount to approximately
Three quarters of the original cake,
Along with a healthy dosing of whipped cream
And any ice cream the vultures, I mean children,
Haven’t devoured without your knowledge.
Finally, find a quiet place to reflect
On the fact that you not only survived
But created an edible, and non-lethal,
Meal substitute for yourself
As you consume the entire thing
Without a shred of guilt or remorse.
Because you haven’t got enough things
To keep you occupied,
What with cleaning up the children
And the benched, and the floor,
To a somewhat respectable standard.
Remember to remove cakes from the oven.
This is very important.
Otherwise you end up with two tins
Of solid rock that not even the dog wants,
And the kitchen smells of burnt dreams
For at least the next two days.
Let cakes cool in pans on wire racks.
They say 20 minutes, but it’s usually more.
Sometimes it’s an hour because
Child one has discovered the frosting
And is eating with a spoon under their bed
While the other two cry because they’re not.
Invert the pans to remove the cakes
(hopefully intact and not charred)
Before discarding the parchment paper
Securely enough that the bastard cat
Can’t claw it out of the rubbish
And scatter crumbs throughout the house.
Cool completely on racks, top side up,
Though, by this point, I’m not entirely sure
Which is the top or the bottom of either cake,
And cut off the top of one layer,
Remembering to feed the off cuts
To the remaining seagulls, I mean children.
With a butter knife, frost top of trimmed layer.
Failing to find a butter knife, use any flat item
You may have laying about in the kitchen
Or, as last resort, your garden shed
Because it’s probably easier than finding
A godforsaken butter knife where it should be.
Place the other layer of cake on top
(Assuming you managed to salvage both cakes)
And frost top and sides of the cake
With your butter knife, or trowel,
Until not completely disappointed
With the final result.
The next steps are the most important
So pay careful attention:
Cut two small slices for the children,
Reminding the third that she just consumed
Her body weight in frosting and will be
Violently ill if she even looks at the cake.
Cut a slightly larger slice for your partner
Who conveniently disappeared to the shed
Whilst this whole ordeal was happening
And will be in charge of cleaning up the mess,
But did help you find the trowel
So deserves some reward for that effort.
Take the rest of the cake,
Which should amount to approximately
Three quarters of the original cake,
Along with a healthy dosing of whipped cream
And any ice cream the vultures, I mean children,
Haven’t devoured without your knowledge.
Finally, find a quiet place to reflect
On the fact that you not only survived
But created an edible, and non-lethal,
Meal substitute for yourself
As you consume the entire thing
Without a shred of guilt or remorse.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Junk Mail Prose
27/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Hello Sir,
I have a business to share with you.
I am Barrister Charles Anthony
I am contacting you to assist retrieve
His huge deposit Mr Alexander left in the bank
Before its get confiscated by the bank.
Get back to me for more details.
Barrister. Charles Anthony
Hello Sir,
(I’m actually a Miss,
But we’ll let that slide for today)
I have a business to share with you.
(I’m quite sure you don’t
As I’ve had these things before)
I am Barrister Charles Anthony
(You’re not Charles Anthony,
And you’re definitely not a barrister)
I am contacting you to assist retrieve
(I’m pretty sure a barrister has
Better grammar than this poor attempt)
His huge deposit Mr Alexander left in the bank
(Mr Alexander should be more careful
With his huge deposits in future)
Before its get confiscated by the bank.
(I’d say that Mr Alexander has
Been up to no good, wouldn’t you?)
Get back to me for more details.
(That’s a bit rude, not even a please?
That’s not how we do business, mate)
Barrister. Charles Anthony
(Yes, so you said at the top,
It wasn’t that long of an email)
Standing in Line
26/07/2020 - Poem A Day Compilation
Standing in line
To enter the stadium
Surrounded by the noise
Of thousands of voices
Chatting and cheering
Excited and hopeful
Waiting for the gates
To swing open
And be ushered in
By underpaid security
Who dread the end
When the fans exit
And those who lost,
And drunk too much
And ate not enough,
Want to take it out
On someone convenient,
But, for now,
It is calm
If not quiet
And the buzz in the air
Is jubilant.
Standing in line
To enter the stadium
Surrounded by the noise
Of thousands of voices
Chatting and cheering
Excited and hopeful
Waiting for the gates
To swing open
And be ushered in
By underpaid security
Who dread the end
When the fans exit
And those who lost,
And drunk too much
And ate not enough,
Want to take it out
On someone convenient,
But, for now,
It is calm
If not quiet
And the buzz in the air
Is jubilant.
Quite the Collection
25/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I have quite a collection of trinkets
From all around the world,
Encrusted in rubies and diamonds
And some even impearled.
They remind of places I’ve been,
The people I’ve met along the way,
The fun that’s been had by the by
And the experiences by night and by day.
I hold onto those memories
Because it pains me, I might forget
And I have not wish to not remember
And spend my days filled with regret.
I have quite a collection of trinkets
From all around the world,
Encrusted in rubies and diamonds
And some even impearled.
They remind of places I’ve been,
The people I’ve met along the way,
The fun that’s been had by the by
And the experiences by night and by day.
I hold onto those memories
Because it pains me, I might forget
And I have not wish to not remember
And spend my days filled with regret.
A Letter to Dee
24/07/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
I might, if I may, dabble
In the dainty art of poetry –
Though you may prefer a dance for two
With a dandy, or someone more dapper,
Someone more daring that would call you darling:
A dashing lad, dauntless from dusk to dawn
Who will dazzle you, my dear,
And be far more debonair and decent
And decisively declare his love for you,
But I would decorate my world
And dedicate it to you,
My deep affection for you defiant
Though deftly shown in delectable ways -
A deliberate move, so delicate and delicious,
To show my delight and deliver to you
A deluxe experience
Demonstrable of my dependability
That depicts and describes
The care you deserve.
If I could design a way to show my desire
You might be destined to detect
And determined to develop
A way to devise the depth of my love.
It would show how devoted I am to you,
That you are my diamond,
The difference between my happiness
And my dignified sadness,
Your dimple shining in the night.
I could be so diplomatic,
Direct and disarming,
A discerning disciple of your radiance,
But I fear to disclose the entirety of my affection
Lest you discover the hold you have over me.
I can discretely discuss how you make me feel
In a formal dispatch
And dispense good advice any time.
I would only display my fondness
In a distinguished manner
Without distracting anyone in the least.
You are, to me, a divinely created doll
Donated to mankind to dote on,
Doubtlessly enchanted
By your down-to-earth nature
A visage that any artist would wish to draw
And any mere mortal would care to dream
Of you in a flowing dress, drink in hand,
Driving every one with a pulse wild
With your dulcet tones,
Leaving many a great mind dumbfounded
As they listen dutifully,
To you talk of dynamic ecosystems.
And all the while I duly bide my time
For five minutes alone with you, my dear.
I might, if I may, dabble
In the dainty art of poetry –
Though you may prefer a dance for two
With a dandy, or someone more dapper,
Someone more daring that would call you darling:
A dashing lad, dauntless from dusk to dawn
Who will dazzle you, my dear,
And be far more debonair and decent
And decisively declare his love for you,
But I would decorate my world
And dedicate it to you,
My deep affection for you defiant
Though deftly shown in delectable ways -
A deliberate move, so delicate and delicious,
To show my delight and deliver to you
A deluxe experience
Demonstrable of my dependability
That depicts and describes
The care you deserve.
If I could design a way to show my desire
You might be destined to detect
And determined to develop
A way to devise the depth of my love.
It would show how devoted I am to you,
That you are my diamond,
The difference between my happiness
And my dignified sadness,
Your dimple shining in the night.
I could be so diplomatic,
Direct and disarming,
A discerning disciple of your radiance,
But I fear to disclose the entirety of my affection
Lest you discover the hold you have over me.
I can discretely discuss how you make me feel
In a formal dispatch
And dispense good advice any time.
I would only display my fondness
In a distinguished manner
Without distracting anyone in the least.
You are, to me, a divinely created doll
Donated to mankind to dote on,
Doubtlessly enchanted
By your down-to-earth nature
A visage that any artist would wish to draw
And any mere mortal would care to dream
Of you in a flowing dress, drink in hand,
Driving every one with a pulse wild
With your dulcet tones,
Leaving many a great mind dumbfounded
As they listen dutifully,
To you talk of dynamic ecosystems.
And all the while I duly bide my time
For five minutes alone with you, my dear.
The News Today
23/07/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
I couldn’t face the news today.
I couldn’t stand another moment.
Too many lies spewing from mouthpieces.
Too many warriors left ignored.
I didn’t want to see the pictures.
I didn’t want to read the heartache.
There is far too little joy to be had.
There is far too much misery shown.
My heart breaks at every story.
My heart bleeds for the injustice.
No more tears shall stain my cheeks.
No more clenched fists every night.
We cannot continue this way.
We cannot remain part of the problem.
Tonight, I will hug my child tight.
Tonight, I will read in my bed.
When my mind is at ease I may return.
When my heart is healed, I will be whole.
I couldn’t face the news today.
I couldn’t stand another moment.
Too many lies spewing from mouthpieces.
Too many warriors left ignored.
I didn’t want to see the pictures.
I didn’t want to read the heartache.
There is far too little joy to be had.
There is far too much misery shown.
My heart breaks at every story.
My heart bleeds for the injustice.
No more tears shall stain my cheeks.
No more clenched fists every night.
We cannot continue this way.
We cannot remain part of the problem.
Tonight, I will hug my child tight.
Tonight, I will read in my bed.
When my mind is at ease I may return.
When my heart is healed, I will be whole.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
22/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
There is a belief about me,
A story that people tell,
That I am something other
Based on nothing by idle gossip.
They have come to a false conclusion
Trying to fit me together like a puzzle,
When none of those pieces fit
And the picture is malformed.
The conjecture is pure fabrication
For none of them are willing to ask,
The pertinent questions go unanswered
When the lie is easier to hold.
They fancy themselves so righteous,
So completely at odds with who I am,
But they fail to see the harm they cause
By closing their minds to it all.
The feeling they get when they see me
Is somewhere between fear and hate
Because I challenge their long-held assumptions
About who belongs in this place.
I guess they’ve been protected
By a bubble of their own making
And should anyone try to burst it
There will be hell to pay.
You know that feeling in your gut
That tells you these people aren’t right?
I wake up with that in the pit of my stomach
And go to bed with it there just the same.
I had a hunch before I moved there
But I convinced myself I was wrong.
No place can be so backward thinking
They’d judge me for something I can’t change.
My hypothesis was sadly mistaken,
The people did not welcome me one iota.
They drew their blinds as I passed by
And crossed to other side of the road.
This idea that people are people
Is not so widespread as perhaps it should be,
When some are seen as better or worse
For no good reason that I can see.
First impressions can be hard to shake
But to be judged before you’ve done anything,
Or even spoken a word from your mouth
For anyone to take such offense.
I had an inkling as I pulled in my driveway
And saw all the curtains twitch
That it might take a while to be accepted
But I was willing to fight the good fight.
I should have trusted my intuition
Because this isn’t fight fairly fought.
You can try as you might to take the high road
But the low road has no bottom to reach.
They use every slur, every stereotype,
To wound you again and again
And though words should never hurt
It is a death by a thousand cuts.
There is a belief about me,
A story that people tell,
That I am something other
Based on nothing by idle gossip.
They have come to a false conclusion
Trying to fit me together like a puzzle,
When none of those pieces fit
And the picture is malformed.
The conjecture is pure fabrication
For none of them are willing to ask,
The pertinent questions go unanswered
When the lie is easier to hold.
They fancy themselves so righteous,
So completely at odds with who I am,
But they fail to see the harm they cause
By closing their minds to it all.
The feeling they get when they see me
Is somewhere between fear and hate
Because I challenge their long-held assumptions
About who belongs in this place.
I guess they’ve been protected
By a bubble of their own making
And should anyone try to burst it
There will be hell to pay.
You know that feeling in your gut
That tells you these people aren’t right?
I wake up with that in the pit of my stomach
And go to bed with it there just the same.
I had a hunch before I moved there
But I convinced myself I was wrong.
No place can be so backward thinking
They’d judge me for something I can’t change.
My hypothesis was sadly mistaken,
The people did not welcome me one iota.
They drew their blinds as I passed by
And crossed to other side of the road.
This idea that people are people
Is not so widespread as perhaps it should be,
When some are seen as better or worse
For no good reason that I can see.
First impressions can be hard to shake
But to be judged before you’ve done anything,
Or even spoken a word from your mouth
For anyone to take such offense.
I had an inkling as I pulled in my driveway
And saw all the curtains twitch
That it might take a while to be accepted
But I was willing to fight the good fight.
I should have trusted my intuition
Because this isn’t fight fairly fought.
You can try as you might to take the high road
But the low road has no bottom to reach.
They use every slur, every stereotype,
To wound you again and again
And though words should never hurt
It is a death by a thousand cuts.
The notion that they have right on their side
As they curse you out on the street
Is baffling to me every time
And you’d think I’d get used to it someday.
I don’t believe in premonitions
But this feeling is so hard to shake
That things are not getting better
But getting worse with each passing day.
They speculate on my every action,
From where I go to what I buy.
Heaven forbid I talk to a soul;
I’d likely be run out of town.
The supposition that I am no good
Comes from the ignorant repetition of rumours
That stem from derivative works of fiction
Tainted by the bias of unfounded supremacy.
Please don’t ask me to surmise
How each and every one of them got to this point
For that would make me no better
Than those who would slander my name.
I could write an entire thesis
Just on the people of this small town:
From the narrow-minded bigotry
To the overt mob mentality on display.
One day I hope to change their view
But today is not going to be that day.
I am weary and don’t feel like fighting
So I’ll just stay in my home.
To regard others with suspicion
When they present differently from you
Is a learned human behaviour
That we all must one day overcome.
As they curse you out on the street
Is baffling to me every time
And you’d think I’d get used to it someday.
I don’t believe in premonitions
But this feeling is so hard to shake
That things are not getting better
But getting worse with each passing day.
They speculate on my every action,
From where I go to what I buy.
Heaven forbid I talk to a soul;
I’d likely be run out of town.
The supposition that I am no good
Comes from the ignorant repetition of rumours
That stem from derivative works of fiction
Tainted by the bias of unfounded supremacy.
Please don’t ask me to surmise
How each and every one of them got to this point
For that would make me no better
Than those who would slander my name.
I could write an entire thesis
Just on the people of this small town:
From the narrow-minded bigotry
To the overt mob mentality on display.
One day I hope to change their view
But today is not going to be that day.
I am weary and don’t feel like fighting
So I’ll just stay in my home.
To regard others with suspicion
When they present differently from you
Is a learned human behaviour
That we all must one day overcome.
Fix This
21/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
How do we fix this
When the world is falling down
Around our ears
And I can’t see an end in sight?
I’m broken and afraid,
Crying out for reassurance,
In a world turned upside down
By events beyond my control.
How do we fix this
When the world is falling down
Around our ears
And I can’t see an end in sight?
I’m broken and afraid,
Crying out for reassurance,
In a world turned upside down
By events beyond my control.
Last Words
20/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
The taste of death is upon my lips. I feel something that is not of this earth.
I am alone with my thoughts
And they are not good
As I await the emptiness
That death brings.
I straddle the void
Between living and dying,
Not knowing how my passing
Will affect those I leave behind.
What words might bring them comfort
As I slip away into nothingness?
My body but an empty shell,
No longer yearning for one more day.
Are there any words?
Maybe it will be a look, a gesture,
That stays with them
Long after I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Perhaps these will be my final words,
Written and not uttered by these lips
That have kissed too few times
And spoken in haste too many.
I hear them on the stairs,
My children now grown so big.
I must think of something witty to say
Lest they find me wanting of a quicker tongue.
I hope they cannot feel this pain
Of wanting to say so much
But not having the words to speak
Though I fear I betray myself.
No words are coming,
No repartee to delight their ears.
Just a vacant stare from behind dull eyes
Though I long to see them one more time.
I am alone with my thoughts
Of love and happy memories
That spill from my eyes involuntarily
As if to say goodbye.
The taste of death is upon my lips. I feel something that is not of this earth.
- Mozart (1756-1791)
I am alone with my thoughts
And they are not good
As I await the emptiness
That death brings.
I straddle the void
Between living and dying,
Not knowing how my passing
Will affect those I leave behind.
What words might bring them comfort
As I slip away into nothingness?
My body but an empty shell,
No longer yearning for one more day.
Are there any words?
Maybe it will be a look, a gesture,
That stays with them
Long after I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Perhaps these will be my final words,
Written and not uttered by these lips
That have kissed too few times
And spoken in haste too many.
I hear them on the stairs,
My children now grown so big.
I must think of something witty to say
Lest they find me wanting of a quicker tongue.
I hope they cannot feel this pain
Of wanting to say so much
But not having the words to speak
Though I fear I betray myself.
No words are coming,
No repartee to delight their ears.
Just a vacant stare from behind dull eyes
Though I long to see them one more time.
I am alone with my thoughts
Of love and happy memories
That spill from my eyes involuntarily
As if to say goodbye.
People You Have Known
19/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I’ve met a lot of people
But how many have I really known?
I don’t know that I ever have
Actually known anyone fully.
I’ve known their likes and dislikes,
Their loves and their hates,
Even their pet peeves
And things that make the squeal for joy.
Yet, people keep surprising me
With the things they do,
The words that come out of their mouth,
The ideas that rattle around their brains.
Often times it’s a pleasant surprise,
A love of a particular artist,
Or a passion for a game you play,
Maybe a mutual friend you both adore.
Sometimes it’s not so nice,
A difference of opinion,
A deeply held belief you didn’t know of
To which you are completely opposed.
But whatever you are discovering about them
They are also discovering something about you
And that is the beauty of friendships,
That they continue to grow and develop.
I’ve met a lot of people
But how many have I really known?
I don’t know that I ever have
Actually known anyone fully.
I’ve known their likes and dislikes,
Their loves and their hates,
Even their pet peeves
And things that make the squeal for joy.
Yet, people keep surprising me
With the things they do,
The words that come out of their mouth,
The ideas that rattle around their brains.
Often times it’s a pleasant surprise,
A love of a particular artist,
Or a passion for a game you play,
Maybe a mutual friend you both adore.
Sometimes it’s not so nice,
A difference of opinion,
A deeply held belief you didn’t know of
To which you are completely opposed.
But whatever you are discovering about them
They are also discovering something about you
And that is the beauty of friendships,
That they continue to grow and develop.
The Madness
18/07/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
As the walls closed in
And the darkness fell
The sounds of the night
Crept into her ears
Her hands clamping about her head
Holding in what sanity remained
Against the screeches and screams
From beyond the brick walls
Of this lonely and lonesome place
From which there was no escape,
No distraction and no respite
Despite the frenzy of prayers
In this godforsaken place
To a non-existent deity
For a freedom that will never come
When lunacy takes hold of those
Who stand outside the door
That they no longer understand
What is right and wrong
And buy into the hysteria
Of the latest fad treatments
With no thought of the consequences
Of testing procedures on the manic
Without their permission
Or even their knowledge
Hidden from scrutiny by demented laws
Serving a master as unsound of mind
As those incarcerated in psychiatric wards
For indeterminate periods of time
Under the auspices of mental health
A true derangement of a system
Meant to protect the world from the insane
And the depressed from themselves
While the unstable run the asylum
Which makes the rest of us mad.
As the walls closed in
And the darkness fell
The sounds of the night
Crept into her ears
Her hands clamping about her head
Holding in what sanity remained
Against the screeches and screams
From beyond the brick walls
Of this lonely and lonesome place
From which there was no escape,
No distraction and no respite
Despite the frenzy of prayers
In this godforsaken place
To a non-existent deity
For a freedom that will never come
When lunacy takes hold of those
Who stand outside the door
That they no longer understand
What is right and wrong
And buy into the hysteria
Of the latest fad treatments
With no thought of the consequences
Of testing procedures on the manic
Without their permission
Or even their knowledge
Hidden from scrutiny by demented laws
Serving a master as unsound of mind
As those incarcerated in psychiatric wards
For indeterminate periods of time
Under the auspices of mental health
A true derangement of a system
Meant to protect the world from the insane
And the depressed from themselves
While the unstable run the asylum
Which makes the rest of us mad.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Parallel Me
17/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
Somewhere in a parallel universe
There’s another me living their life
Being all successful and amazing
And, generally, not being me.
They’ll have my same DNA
But nothing else will be familiar
Because where I went left
They went right or straight ahead.
I’m proud of them for their success
And all that they have achieved
Even though I’ll never know
What accolades might have been bestowed.
Maybe one showed a little more dedication
To that sport I was vaguely good at
And won the world championships
Through drive and determination.
Maybe one scaled every mountain peak
On every continent on earth
And their name will be beautifully etched
In a record book forever more.
Maybe one found the love of their life
And revelled in this match made in heaven
Knowing that they are completely cherished
And will never be forever alone.
Maybe one had a brood of children
Enough for an entire softball team
And doted on them all individually
As only a mother could.
Maybe one was a successful writer
With novels and anthologies galore
Touring the world for signings
And readings with fans she adores.
I don’t know what they might think of me
And whether they’d be jealous or not
But maybe there’s something I’ve done
That would make them just as proud.
Somewhere in a parallel universe
There’s another me living their life
Being all successful and amazing
And, generally, not being me.
They’ll have my same DNA
But nothing else will be familiar
Because where I went left
They went right or straight ahead.
I’m proud of them for their success
And all that they have achieved
Even though I’ll never know
What accolades might have been bestowed.
Maybe one showed a little more dedication
To that sport I was vaguely good at
And won the world championships
Through drive and determination.
Maybe one scaled every mountain peak
On every continent on earth
And their name will be beautifully etched
In a record book forever more.
Maybe one found the love of their life
And revelled in this match made in heaven
Knowing that they are completely cherished
And will never be forever alone.
Maybe one had a brood of children
Enough for an entire softball team
And doted on them all individually
As only a mother could.
Maybe one was a successful writer
With novels and anthologies galore
Touring the world for signings
And readings with fans she adores.
I don’t know what they might think of me
And whether they’d be jealous or not
But maybe there’s something I’ve done
That would make them just as proud.
The Spice of Life
16/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I know a guy who’s the salt of the earth,
Not afraid of getting into a caper or two
And been known to act like a dill,
But he’s only one to rue the day
When he doesn’t give it some curry.
You can pepper him with insults
If you’re not feeling too ginger
Though he’ll reply in a sage tone of voice,
“That’s mint” with cheeky smile on his face,
“You can’t live your life being vanilla.”
I know a guy who’s the salt of the earth,
Not afraid of getting into a caper or two
And been known to act like a dill,
But he’s only one to rue the day
When he doesn’t give it some curry.
You can pepper him with insults
If you’re not feeling too ginger
Though he’ll reply in a sage tone of voice,
“That’s mint” with cheeky smile on his face,
“You can’t live your life being vanilla.”
Frozen in Time
15/07/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I froze.
Time froze.
Nothing moved.
No one breathed.
No one blinked.
Forever memorialised.
An instant in time.
Never to be repeated.
Only to be relived.
The moment captured.
Frozen in time.
I froze.
Time froze.
Nothing moved.
No one breathed.
No one blinked.
Forever memorialised.
An instant in time.
Never to be repeated.
Only to be relived.
The moment captured.
Frozen in time.
The Violin
14/07/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation
The stairs creaked underfoot,
Their tread almost pristine from lack of use.
I didn’t know what was up there,
No one ever took the time to explain
And now I was the only one left with the keys.
At the top of the flight, on the landing,
Little plumes of dust rose from the carpet
With every step I took towards the door.
The keys were cold in my hand
But my palm was sweating in anticipation,
Maybe in fear, as well.
I don’t know exactly what I felt.
It’s a bit of a blur if I’m perfectly honest.
I put the big key in a lock
That looked original to the house,
Chunky mid-1800s, I thought.
The key jiggled, rattled, not wanting to turn
Until it suddenly found its home
And sprung around in my hand with a click.
The lock opening was just the start,
The door wedged shut over the years
By the expansion and contraction of its boards
From season to season,
An era of dirt and other detritus built up
To make an almost perfect seal.
No amount of pulling and pushing would help
To free the stubborn door from its frame
So, I lined up my shoulder with the door
Braced against the inevitable impact
And threw my body weight forward.
It felt like the whole house shook
But the door remained closed.
I braced again, this time hitting it harder.
I could hear the screech of the door,
The wood being forced apart
After so many years of happy coexistence.
It took several more hits before it swung open
And I found myself staggering forward
Into the darkness of the attic room,
The air thick enough to taste,
The smell wanting to make me heave.
I fumbled for the light switch on the wall
As my eyes somewhat adjusted to the dark
But there was no switch to be found.
I could make out vague shapes,
Boxes, maybe, piled haphazardly,
And a boarded-up window
Filled remains of a thousand cockroaches.
There in the dark,
My eyes now adjusted as best they could,
I saw a string hanging from the ceiling
And I hoped it was for the single globe
I could just make out on the ceiling
And not part of a monstrous web
With an enormous spider at the top
Waiting to devour me for lunch.
I flicked the cord gingerly and,
Not finding myself become a meal
For a hungry arachnid or something worse,
I tugged on its grime encrusted end.
The light flickered to life,
Casting a dull yellowish glow
So different from the bright white
Of the LED globes downstairs.
I looked at the boxes, layered with dust
And who knows what else,
Thinking that I should have put the gloves on
At least twenty minutes before this point
But better late than never, as they say.
Slipping on the gloves, My hands swimming
Despite them being the smallest size available,
I tried to read the writing on the boxes.
I scraped the muck away from the carboard
Revealing delicate printing –
Oma’s Music –
And took a deep breath.
It wasn’t my Oma, but hers.
Die Groβmutter meiner Groβmutter.
I opened the box and, there,
Neatly stacked inside,
Were bundles and bundles of papers
Filled with the music of a lifetime,
For piano, for violin, for clarinet.
The piano she’d played these on
Stood proudly downstairs,
The focal feature of the drawing room,
Grand and kept perfectly in tune.
The clarinet had been broken in a move
Long before my time,
Even before my mother’s time,
Reduced to a memory shared
From generation to generation.
But the violin, locked away for so long,
Sat in another box, still inside its case,
Longing for someone to love it
And to play it, just one more time.
It would have to be restrung,
Its wooden body polished
To restore the stunning handiwork
Of a young Matthias Klotz,
His instrument now so far from home,
But once again loved as it had been
At the hands of a beautiful lady
From the forests surrounding Mittenwald.
I dared not touch it then,
My gloved hands caked in dirt
And shaking from the find I had hoped for
But dared not expect,
Lest I come away sadly disappointed
By what I had found.
A third box, more reminiscent of a chest,
Groaned as I lifted the lid,
The ghosts of more than a hundred years
Spilling free from their crypt,
Leaving only the photographs,
Yellowed and curling at the edges,
Of family, of friends,
Of places and events on dreamed of
For the likes of me.
A child posed at the piano,
Her dolls laying casually atop,
Her fingers perched on the keys.
A teen at her first ball,
Glowing radiantly in the throng,
Her gowns train spilling away from her.
A family portrait of stuffy men in suits
And women in far too many layers
For that time of year.
A couple just married,
Their love and devotion
Shining through the years.
A mother and her brood,
She looking too young to have so many,
Unaged by the trials and tribulations.
There was life in those boxes,
Love and heartache, fear and triumph,
A never-ending story of joy and sacrifice
Never forgotten, but sometimes pushed aside
As the day to day struggles took over
The caretakers of those memories.
Now I was that caretaker,
Duty bound to bring new life to old stories,
And to treasure that which remained
Of a woman I never met,
But to whom I belonged
And to whom my children belonged
And whose blood flowed through our veins
As a living reminder to all she was
And all that we could be.
The stairs creaked underfoot,
Their tread almost pristine from lack of use.
I didn’t know what was up there,
No one ever took the time to explain
And now I was the only one left with the keys.
At the top of the flight, on the landing,
Little plumes of dust rose from the carpet
With every step I took towards the door.
The keys were cold in my hand
But my palm was sweating in anticipation,
Maybe in fear, as well.
I don’t know exactly what I felt.
It’s a bit of a blur if I’m perfectly honest.
I put the big key in a lock
That looked original to the house,
Chunky mid-1800s, I thought.
The key jiggled, rattled, not wanting to turn
Until it suddenly found its home
And sprung around in my hand with a click.
The lock opening was just the start,
The door wedged shut over the years
By the expansion and contraction of its boards
From season to season,
An era of dirt and other detritus built up
To make an almost perfect seal.
No amount of pulling and pushing would help
To free the stubborn door from its frame
So, I lined up my shoulder with the door
Braced against the inevitable impact
And threw my body weight forward.
It felt like the whole house shook
But the door remained closed.
I braced again, this time hitting it harder.
I could hear the screech of the door,
The wood being forced apart
After so many years of happy coexistence.
It took several more hits before it swung open
And I found myself staggering forward
Into the darkness of the attic room,
The air thick enough to taste,
The smell wanting to make me heave.
I fumbled for the light switch on the wall
As my eyes somewhat adjusted to the dark
But there was no switch to be found.
I could make out vague shapes,
Boxes, maybe, piled haphazardly,
And a boarded-up window
Filled remains of a thousand cockroaches.
There in the dark,
My eyes now adjusted as best they could,
I saw a string hanging from the ceiling
And I hoped it was for the single globe
I could just make out on the ceiling
And not part of a monstrous web
With an enormous spider at the top
Waiting to devour me for lunch.
I flicked the cord gingerly and,
Not finding myself become a meal
For a hungry arachnid or something worse,
I tugged on its grime encrusted end.
The light flickered to life,
Casting a dull yellowish glow
So different from the bright white
Of the LED globes downstairs.
I looked at the boxes, layered with dust
And who knows what else,
Thinking that I should have put the gloves on
At least twenty minutes before this point
But better late than never, as they say.
Slipping on the gloves, My hands swimming
Despite them being the smallest size available,
I tried to read the writing on the boxes.
I scraped the muck away from the carboard
Revealing delicate printing –
Oma’s Music –
And took a deep breath.
It wasn’t my Oma, but hers.
Die Groβmutter meiner Groβmutter.
I opened the box and, there,
Neatly stacked inside,
Were bundles and bundles of papers
Filled with the music of a lifetime,
For piano, for violin, for clarinet.
The piano she’d played these on
Stood proudly downstairs,
The focal feature of the drawing room,
Grand and kept perfectly in tune.
The clarinet had been broken in a move
Long before my time,
Even before my mother’s time,
Reduced to a memory shared
From generation to generation.
But the violin, locked away for so long,
Sat in another box, still inside its case,
Longing for someone to love it
And to play it, just one more time.
It would have to be restrung,
Its wooden body polished
To restore the stunning handiwork
Of a young Matthias Klotz,
His instrument now so far from home,
But once again loved as it had been
At the hands of a beautiful lady
From the forests surrounding Mittenwald.
I dared not touch it then,
My gloved hands caked in dirt
And shaking from the find I had hoped for
But dared not expect,
Lest I come away sadly disappointed
By what I had found.
A third box, more reminiscent of a chest,
Groaned as I lifted the lid,
The ghosts of more than a hundred years
Spilling free from their crypt,
Leaving only the photographs,
Yellowed and curling at the edges,
Of family, of friends,
Of places and events on dreamed of
For the likes of me.
A child posed at the piano,
Her dolls laying casually atop,
Her fingers perched on the keys.
A teen at her first ball,
Glowing radiantly in the throng,
Her gowns train spilling away from her.
A family portrait of stuffy men in suits
And women in far too many layers
For that time of year.
A couple just married,
Their love and devotion
Shining through the years.
A mother and her brood,
She looking too young to have so many,
Unaged by the trials and tribulations.
There was life in those boxes,
Love and heartache, fear and triumph,
A never-ending story of joy and sacrifice
Never forgotten, but sometimes pushed aside
As the day to day struggles took over
The caretakers of those memories.
Now I was that caretaker,
Duty bound to bring new life to old stories,
And to treasure that which remained
Of a woman I never met,
But to whom I belonged
And to whom my children belonged
And whose blood flowed through our veins
As a living reminder to all she was
And all that we could be.