Friday, March 1, 2013

March Poetry Challenge (1st March, 2013)

Inspired by my friend, Ally (who is also doing this challenge), we are writing a piece a day for the month of March based on the erratically popular Facebook phenomena of "photo a day" ...

The Ubiquitous Self Portrait

It is, for all intents and purposes,
A challenge of the greatest magnitude
To live up to that image we portray
To the unassuming general population.

The wide smile we plaster on,
The happy demeanor,
The picture we want people to see
Like a glamour shot in a magazine.

The real image is hidden away,
Visible only to those who care to look
Beyond the veil of make-up,
False bravado and photoshop.

Can we not create for ourselves
A more realistic image
That is not so traumatising
When it is finally seen through?