29/01/2021 – Poem a Day Compilation
Never is such a long time
But I think I can do it
It’s not really a hardship
When loving you is so easy
Gonna fill my world with you
And be your biggest fan,
Cheering on all your successes
Congratulating you at every turn
Give me a moment, if you will,
To sing your highest praises
Because you deserve every one
Even when you don’t feel it
You think it’s silly that I’m this way
But it’s all because of you
They way you light up my life
And make it worth living
Up until I met you
I thought I knew what love was
But now I see I was wrong
And it’s a pale imitation
Never is such a long time
But I’m here ‘til the end of time
Come hell or high water
Nothing will keep me away
Gonna do everything I can
To make life perfect for you
And though I may sometimes fail
It’s worth it just for you
Let me shower you with love
And let the whole world know
You are my forever
And there’s nothing I won’t do
You bring sunshine after rain
The birds sing when you’re around
The flowers bloom a little early
And the days seem like a dream
Down in my soul
Where all my love resides
Is a home that I built for you
The day I first saw your face
Never is such a long time
But together we can make it work
Our love lifting us above the troubles
And devotion seeing us through
Gonna be the best person I can
To champion your every cause
Because you are amazing
And I love you with all my heart
Run every marathon
Swim every ocean
Cross every continent
I will be there for you
Around every bunch of flowers
Will be a ribbon tied with love
Even if I’ve just picked them
Walking home from work
And when Valentine’s Day come around
I will show you the depths of my love
Not just with gifts
But with affection, too
Desert you, I never will
Because it’s not in my nature
To abandon the one I love
When the going gets a bit tough
You are my joy and my smile
You are my laughter ‘til I cry
You make the world a better place
And for that I love you more
Never is such a long time
And it feels like that when we part
The hours while we’re at work
Are the longest I’ve ever known
Gonna carry the weight of the world for you
So you don’t have to feel the strain
And you can be the woman
You were always meant to be
Make no excuses for your brilliance
You shine like a million stars
There is no one that compares
And nowhere I’d rather be
You are my food, my nourishment
When I forget to eat
As I stare wistfully into your eyes
Across the restaurant table
Cry only tears of joy for me
But if you are overtaken by sadness
Allow me to be your comfort then
And be everything you need
Never is such a long time
I’m glad I didn’t have to wait that long
Though I was very nervous
When I got down on one knee
Gonna make sure our life together
Is the best that it can be
Because there’s no one I’d rather spend it with
That you, my darling wife
Say what you will about marriage
It’s not for everyone
But I have found the perfect partner
And the best friend I could ever have
Goodbye to my single days
Feeling so empty and alone
But you gave me the power I needed
To love me the way I was
Never is such a long time
Let’s have no more talk of that
We’ll focus on the future
And our lives together instead
Gonna take the ups and downs in our stride
Always having each other’s backs
A team like no other
You and me against the world
Tell the universe to stop looking
We’ve found what we both need
A laugh, a smile, a warm embrace
And a ton of time to discover
A world of adventure awaits
We’ll travel to the ends of the earth
We’ll climb every mountain
And we’ll do it side by side
Lie on a bed of roses
Sit on the sandy shore
Walk through misty moorlands
Tiptoe through tulip fields
And when we are both exhausted
We’ll collapse into each other’s arms
Safe in the knowledge
We can do it all again
Hurt will be behind us
Our love will find a way
Of guiding us on our journey
To see what the future holds
You give me strength and determination
When I am at my lowest ebb
With you I can do anything
Because you are the song in my heart and my head
Brilliantly done. I’m no good at counting past ten so I’ll say 35 - 50 songs that I thought I recognised. Great job with this poem 😊
ReplyDeleteYou'll kick yourself when you see the one I intentionally put in.