20/04/2021 – Poem a Day Compilation
He stepped onto the bus in front of me
His suit freshly laundered by the smell
That was only just detectable under the cologne
He’d liberally applied that morning
He was sporting the designer stubble
That so many found utterly desirable
But I didn’t think it suited his face
And he’d have looked better clean-shaven
If I’d wanted to wager a guess at his occupation
I would have said middle management
Probably in a bank or other financial institution
By the way he carried himself
His voice carried all through the bus
As he talked into his earpiece
No doubt his constantly connected phone
Like an extra limb he couldn’t live without
I was glad to be getting off at the next stop
Away from his pompous attitude
And his overbearing presence
To go on my way in my minimalist peace
Some people say “Never judge a book by its cover”, but sometimes it is quite easy to judge or figure out a person. Thought provoking poem 😊