Sunday, July 5, 2020

Would You Rather?

06/07/2020 -  Poem a Day Compilation

Sometimes I sit and ponder

The impossible situations that I might find

If the world was put together

In a different sort of bind.

I play a game of “would I rather”

And let my imagination run amok

And see where it ends its journey,

Expanding my mind with any luck.

So, won’t you come along with me

As I play this little game

Where thoughts are wild, without constraint

Running free and never tame?

Would you rather be in control

Of people’s emotions or of time?

What havoc might you wreak

And might it be a crime?

I would not want to play around

With love or fear or hate or dread,

The inner turmoil of my own mind

Is enough to send me to my bed.

I would rather master time,

To have an extra hour, week or day

To do those things that I put off

Or fit more in, in some way.

I wonder if you would rather

Watch the television all day long

Or meet someone new each and every day

That you could, on your journey, take along?

I’m sure that I would tire some

Of watching all the same old shows

That get churned out on TV stations

And I would surely begin to doze.

But if I could a new person meet

To discover new and interesting tales

And impart my stories each day a-new,

Neither bored as the other regales.

Would you rather in your life

Be always be running ten minutes late

Or instead, perhaps, always arrive

Some twenty minutes early for the date?

To be late is such a rudeness,

Keeping someone waiting just for me.

It is unconscionable to my mind

That late is something I could not be.

This is an easy choice to make.

I would be destined to arrive before

So as to make sure we kept our place,

And be the party waiting by the door.

Do you ever wonder to yourself

Would you rather be the first who sees

A planet fresh to be explored

Or invent a drug that cures a disease?

Being, if I truthfully admit,

Not one to be so brave or bold

I think it unlikely that I would be

Exploring any planet new or old.

But to be able to help a person in need

To live their life free from pain

And help create such positive outcomes

Without a thought of what I may gain!

Would you rather travel the world

On a shoestring budget for a year

Or stay in only one country for that time

And live in luxury, the very top tier?

This is a difficult choice for me

As I love to explore all over the place,

I’d happily backpack around the world

Making camp sites and hostels a handy base.

I’d also enjoy digging deep into the history

And natural beauty of just one locale

Visiting museums and fine dining venues

Enjoying the theatre and concerts pastorale.

What other fancies could you lend your mind to

When lazing about on a winter’s afternoon?

Savour those moment while you can

Because reality bites a little too soon.

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