23/09/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation
I know I’m not even close to perfect
But I somehow have to be that
Or my life is a waste
And there’s no point.
I struggle so much with my lot in life
I don’t understand why I do
When everyone else seems to have it so easy
And my life seems so much harder.
If I ignore this feeling that haunts me
It will fade away into nothing;
All will be good with the world
And all will be good with me.
I’m too old to believe these fairy tales
That good things come to those who wait
When time waits for no man,
And no woman either, by that token.
But I’m too young to be this cynical –
Jaded by my meagre years upon this earth.
When I should be full of hope and optimism
And an overwhelming sense of self.
I guess I’m just not the happy type.
I don’t know whether I never learned to be
Or I’ve forgotten how to be
Or it’s just something I’m fundamentally not.
But I don’t judge other people.
They can exist in their happy world
And live their lives however they want
And it doesn’t matter to me at all.
If I follow my heart, my heart of hearts
Then everything will work out,
I just know it will because it has to,
Or what’s the point of it all?
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