Monday, September 28, 2020

The Newspaper of Imagination

28/09/2020 –  Poem a Day Compilation

Imagine a world

Where you could

Open the paper

And see only good news,

With stunning pictures

Of your favourite animal

Or a scenic view.

Imagine the feeling

Of utter exuberance

Turning the pages

And all the stories

About your sports team

Were fair written

By unbiased commentators.

Imagine a day

When any old rag

Reported the weather

And it was accurate

A week in advance,

So you could plan

Outings without worrying.

Imagine the society

That was so reflected

In its media

That politicians knew

They could not lie

And get away with

Scams and scandals.

Imagine a newspaper

With such integrity

That it was revered

By the public

And unceremoniously held

As the prevailing standard

By all other publications.

Imagine not having to

Imagine such a thing.

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