Sunday, November 29, 2020

River: a ballade with double refrain

25/11/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation

We sat by the fast-flowing river

You, me, and mum and dad

All nervous and a-quiver

Waiting for fun to be had

But the weather was awfully bad

For as far as we could see

Which made us dreadfully sad

And we waited beneath the tree

The wind made us shake and shiver

And coats by the layer we did add

The sun shone in a tiny sliver

Waiting for fun to be had

You felt like a terrible cad

For driving us out here for tea

You overreacted a tad

And we waited beneath the tree

The clouds did their rain deliver

Which made you ferociously mad

So I pulled out the pate made of liver

Waiting for fun to be had

Crackers were served on napkins of plaid

While mum sang a fine melody

Which made us tremendously glad

And we waited beneath the tree

This lark would surely be a fad

Not taken up by high nobility

As we felt somewhat like a nomad

And we waited beneath the tree

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