Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Entrance

04/11/2020 – Poem a Day Compilation

I stood before the gates

That towered o’er my head

Majestic in its grandeur

Behind which nobility’s bred

I turned the key hesitantly

The cold metal creaking as it turned

Opening a whole world for me

For which I’d always yearned

A tree lined avenue stretched out before

And far into the distance

Meandering through the grounds

Following the path of least resistance

As I walk, I wonder silently

About the generations who have been before

Who they were and how they lived

What was fact and what folklore

Then, rising up before my eyes

A palace fit for any queen

With the grandest of steps ascending

What visitors they had seen

Imposing wooden doors, tall and proud

Daring weary travellers to try their luck

To win a fair maiden’s hand, perhaps

Or show what courage they could pluck

But no need for luck that day

I was the rightful heir to the manor

Accompanied not by a fanfair

Nor met by any banner

Just the quiet knowledge of being home

The work of restoration all to come

For this stunning, grand old dame

And for the house that will not succumb

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