Friday, January 15, 2021


15/01/2021 –  Poem a Day

Never have I felt something so intense

That I cried out to the night sky

Inspired to call to a heaven I do not believe in

With images playing in my head

So vivid that I could have reached out my hand

To hold on to the feeling as if it were solid

And, as a virtuoso, turned magic into reality

There’s a magnificence surrounding you,

Playing of your every move –

Your walk, the way you tilt your head –

Every exceptional motion defined

By how marvellously your eyes scan the room

Searching for the next person

To fall under your spell

Like a superb lyrebird in full song

Your splendid voice enthralls all who hear it,

Sparkling like a diamond freshly cut

Capturing attention from near and far

Shining though the mundane conversation

The skillful weave, guiding the topics

Back to your latest adventure

If I could bottle what it is

That makes being around you so glorious

The feeling that whoever you’re focused on

Is the centre of a great big universe

Gleaming in reflected glory

Gifted by you without thought of reward

Because you don’t even believe it’s you

You don’t see the talent you exude

For putting people at ease

Though it’s clear as crystal to those of us

Who worship you from so very far

Yet we are still dazzled by your smile,

The twinkle in your eye

That wonderful way with words you have

So, it has always been you, and only you,

Radiant in the darkness

Bathing everyone in that bright light

That is your unwavering optimism

And your accomplished life

Setting you at a level above

Luminous to the last laugh


  1. This was amazing to read! It brought joy & sorrow to me as it reminded me of how I felt for my ex-wife. Thank you ❤️

    1. I'm sorry it didn't work out between you and your ex but I'm glad that you could find some joy in this poem as well.
