08/01/2021 - Bonus Poem
In the shadow of giants
Ants grow weary
Of perceived oppression
By forces without power
Fed from the teat
Of rage and hatred
Not by mothers
With love everlasting
But by monsters of men
Filled with self-importance
And driven by greed
For that which is beyond them –
Mistaking fear for respect –
Until their violence blinds
And their blood boils
Entering hallowed halls
Where they belong not
Treading boards indelicately
Puppets, every one
Unwittingly used
By soulless masters
To undermine freedoms
They have long given up
When they allowed their mind
To be dissolved by the bleach
Drip fed to them by traitors
Inside their house
The pain is still very real & raw. This perfectly sums up what happened in that dark day.❤️