Thursday, January 28, 2021


28/01/2021 – Poem a Day Compilation

The clock ticks incessantly

Marking the passage of time

In meaningless fashion

When one day runs into the next

And the weeks don’t matter

Nor the months that drag.

Before you know it

A year has gone by

Without contact with loved ones

Half a world away

Except though the magic

Of an internet connection.

How long will this fugue state last,

Where motivation must be intrinsic

And dedication to routine

Sometimes goes out the window

Because it’s easier to just exist

Than to be functional?

What even is time

That it must rule over us

In such a nondescript manner

That we can’t quite put a finger on it

Yet it follows us relentlessly

From the day we are born?

Time is a prison

Built from all our yesterdays

Making a wall around us

And forcing us to work

Toward a wispy tomorrow

That may never be realised.

1 comment:

  1. I loved it. It’s time for COVID to be gone from the world so we can all return to a normal way of life ❤️
