Sunday, June 7, 2020

A Day at the Zoo

07/06/2020 - Iso Well-Being Compilation


Early in the morning,

Before the birds were up,

The keepers were arriving

Ahead of a busy day.


Some were preparing lessons

For a host of excursioning kids

Happy for a day away from school

And ready to monkey around.


Others were rehearsing talks,

Not wanting to trip over words

Like Giraffa Camelopardalis, or maybe

Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides.


 Some staff won’t see the public today,

They’re working behind the scenes,

Taking part in on the job training

Scooping poop and shovelling hay.


The first visitors have started arriving,

By train, car and ferry,

Eager for a cable car trip

Over the tree canopies.


Eager young faces press against glass

To see a lizard or spider or snake,

Their eyes adjusting to the darkness

Of the nocturnal house of the bats.


The peacock strutting by is a marvel

Until it suddenly unveils its tail,

The wails of terror from the young child

Are heard by animals far and wide.


The adults have gathered around early

For the first keepers talk of the day

Followed by the opportunity to feed

The head and the end of such a long neck.


Little boys run to see the monkeys

Hoping to see, maybe just once,

A chimp grad a handful of faeces

And hurl it at some unsuspecting sap.


To one side a new exhibit is opening,

A keeper babysitting some fresh, new faces –

Baby meerkats exploring their forever home

Before being unveiled to the rest of the world.


Little girls giggle with delight

As a wallaby eats from their hand

And keep a wary eye on the emu

Who strides by as if it owns the place.


In the rehabilitation aquarium

A stingray high fives a small child

As it glides effortless through the water

Being given the very best of care.


In a room behind the koala house,

The keepers wait with baited breath

As a tiny new life emerges

Confirming another generation to be adored.


It’s all go in the veterinary surgery –

A tiger with a bad tooth –

The keepers getting a rare cuddle

With the giant anaesthetised beast.


Meanwhile, other big cats are purring

And posing for photos like pros –

From cheetahs to lions to jaguars –

Just like their puny domestic friends.


Soon the gates will once again close

And the keepers will go home for the night,

Leaving the animals safe in their enclosures

As security guards turn off the lights.

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