Friday, June 19, 2020

Stranger Conversations

19/06/2020 – Iso Well-Being Compilation


If you want conversations with strangers

You need go no further than twitter.

You’ll find the strangest of people

Lurking about in its depths.


You’ll come across every opinion,

From the fanciful to the insane,

All jumbled up higgledy-piggledy

And jumping from thought to thought.


But in amongst the absolute crazies

Are the joyous friendships you find,

Snuggled in between the throw downs

Are the laughs and the emotional bonds.


I’ve cooed over new born babies,

Birthed by parents I’ve never met

Sharing the joys of new parenthood

Ans wishing them the best of luck.


I’ve cracked jokes with folks I don’t know,

Many of the mad as a hatter,

But never a cross word have we imparted

Though sometimes we disagree.


I’ve commiserated with fellow fans of my team

Who live on the other side of the world,

And though time zones and miles separate us,

We are a family born of blood.


I’ve flirted with anyone willing

And made a cheek blush on the way,

Even though we know it won’t go further

Than the end of fingers on keyboards.


And I have grieved with bereft people,

Shed many more than the odd tear,

Because, in the end, we aren’t really strangers

But fellow humans in need of love.


Though you’ll never meet a stranger community

Than that which lives in your phone,

You’ll surprise yourself over and over

With how real the loss is when they leave.

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