Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Holding my Breath

09/06/2020 - Iso Well-Being Compilation


I used to think that people would change,

That they’d somehow see the light

And they’d wonder how they ever thought

As they once did.


I see reasonable seeming people

Hold the most bizarre beliefs possible

When it comes to politics or religion

Or just how to treat other folk.


It’s an uphill battle over the simplest of topics

Like treating people equally

When it comes to the colour of their skin

Or their sexuality or their gender.


Trying to have a civil conversation

About anything slightly controversial

And you turn into a modern-day Sisyphus

Rolling a very large stone up that hill.


So, now, I just state my piece

And get on with the rest of my day

Knowing that people don’t change

And there’s no point holding my breath.

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