18/02/2021 – Poem a Day Compilation
Darling daughter, you look sad
What’s on your mind, my sweet?
You seem a little upset, my dear,
Is there something I can fix?
My friends at school were talking
About what their daddies do
And when I said I wanted to be like them
They said they were only jobs for dads.
What type of jobs did they mention?
I’m sure I’ve never seen a job
That only men are qualified for,
Let’s see this list of yours!
Why can’t girls play football?
I can run
And kick
And tackle.
You can do all those things
And you could be the next Sam Kerr
Or maybe Daisy Pearce
If you really wanted to.
Why can’t girls be software developers?
I can code
And am creative
And have an eye for detail.
There are many women in software
Just ask Jaime Gunther or Jane Chau
And they’ll give you a long, long list
If that’s what you want to do.
Why can’t girls be farmers?
I can sheet a sheep
And milk a cow
And plough a field.
A lot has changed in this century
And many women run farms
I’m sure Lorraine Gordon
Could shed a little light.
Why can’t girls work construction?
I can drive heavy machinery
And use power tools
And push a wheelbarrow.
There’s no part of that you shouldn’t do
If that’s your chosen profession
If you want a female tradie
Then Penny Petridis is the person to ask,
Why can’t girls be engineers?
I can design technological solutions
And test production lines
And analyse risks.
You could be a chemical engineer like Marlene Kanga
Or do infrastructure like Elizabeth Taylor
Maybe defence engineering like Trish White
Or take on the civil side like Mehreen Faruqi
Why can’t girls be astronauts?
I can study the planets
And work in microgravity
And be away from my family.
Christina Koch and Jessica Meir
Have done a lap or two
Around this planet we call home
And maybe you will, too
Why can’t girls be architects?
I can design skyscrapers
And be a visionary
And plan every step.
Have you heard of Momoyo Kaijima?
Well, you should probably look her up,
I’m sure he was headstrong just like you
When she was a little girl.
Why can’t girls be firefighters?
I can hold a hose
And carry more than my weight
And risk my life.
We’ve got captains and assistant commissioners
Who are in the fire service
Like Louise Livermore and Rebel Talbert
Not to mention all-female crews!
Why can’t girls be pilots?
I can understand meteorological information
And be calm under pressure
And remember what all the buttons do.
Deborah Wardley was told she couldn’t
But she proved them very wrong,
And Nancy Bird Walton
Is getting an airport named after her.
Why can’t girls be judges?
I can study hard
And be impartial
And uphold the law.
I hardly think Virginia Bell
Let a man tell her she couldn’t be a judge
Or he’d have been appearing before her
In a supreme case of misogyny
Why can’t girls be CEOs?
I can run a business
And handle problems
And manage money.
Melanie Perins didn’t let being a girl
Stop her in her tracks
When she started up her business
That’s now massive in tech.
So, I can be anything
Just like all those other girls?
Do you really think it’s possible
For me to be like them?
Not only is it possible,
It’s practically a guarantee
And don’t let anyone tell you
You can’t because you’re a girl.
As a #GirlDad, I highly applaud you for writing this! Girls can do anything & everything they want to! I loved this poem ❤️