Thursday, December 31, 2020

Every Picture

01/01/2021 – Poem a Day Compilation

There’s a picture for every occasion

And you’re in every one of them.

There’s shenanigans at the beach

And passed out passenger in the car.

There’s loving cuddles with kitty

And playful tumbles with pup,

And who could forget sneaky pub visits

Or picnics by the lake?

If I printed them all out to hang

They’d cover every spare inch of wall

And be a constant reminder of you

When times were a little bit better,

But there’s still pictures of you

But they’re a bit different from how they were,

Being not quite so energetic

But still determined to be full of life.

There’s the one from your first doctor’s room

And from the imagining lab as well,

I took one when you were heading to surgery

And in recovery as well,

So now that you’re at home

You can pose with the things you make

Until you can finally get up

And I can take pictures of that very first step.

Every picture I take tells a story,

Some happier times than others, 

But I cannot delete a single frame

Because they’re you when you’re not around.

When I go to the shops, you’re with me,

And when I’m at work, you’re by my side

Because every picture is a part of you

And you are always a part of me.


  1. I loved it. Combining two of your loves, poetry & photography 😊. This must’ve been hard to compose as i can certainly feel the emotions coming through the words ❤️

    1. Always a method poet, Angelo. If you can't at least empathise with what you're writing about, it won't come across in the piece.
