Monday, December 21, 2020


22/12/2020 - Poem a Day Compilation

I knew a rugged gentleman

Who had a rugged face

He lived in rugged mountains

And had a rugged place

He drank from a rugged cup

And ate with a rugged spoon

Carved with a rugged axe

And his rugged voice did croon

He sang a rugged love song

About his rugged life

And how his rugged heart

Wished for a rugged wife

He dreamt of rugged children

To take on rugged hikes

To swim in rugged rivers

And ride on rugged bikes

So, he packed his rugged rucksack

And walked some rugged miles

Beneath the rugged trees tops

Past buildings with rugged tiles

When he came by a rugged cliff

The rugged view he admired

Until his rugged eyes fell upon

What his rugged self desired

He climbed down the rugged rocks

Across the rugged beach he ran

And asked this rugged woman

To join his rugged clan

Together they climbed the rugged cliffs

And followed the rugged path

Over rugged hillsides where

Rock pools formed a rugged bath

Under rugged skies they slept

Sheltered by rugged caves

Watching rugged storms brew

And cast rugged waves

Before them stretch a rugged coast

Rugged peaks at their back

A rugged little homeland

For them to start their rugged pack

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, I was actually picturing all of this in my mind as I was reading it ❤️
